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tw/ trauma af 

Mayas pov 

It's date night for Carina and I, y/n and Annie are off... somewhere. I walk into the bathroom to do some light makeup, watching Carina as she finishes hers. I wrap my arms around her waist, peppering her back with kisses. "You're so beautiful." I whisper in her ear, before grabbing my makeup bag. 

"You're too sweet" she replies, a smile painted across her face. I see her wince out of the corner of my eye, "you alright babe?" I ask. "Sí, sí." She says fixing her hair. I don't think much of it, she's been having these cramps for a day or so, she said it's probably Braxton hicks. She would know more than I would. 

As we're finishing up our dinners, she winces again. "Are you sure you're.." I start but she cuts me off. "Yes, Maya. I'm fine." She snaps at me. "I'm sorry I just.." I start, but she cuts me off again. "I know." She replies, grabbing my hand.

We head home, soaking in our last few days of vacation. Carina has finally let me drive, she complains but knows it's safer for her and the baby. 

Her grip on my hand tightens as she winces again. "Carina I'm really worried, this doesn't seem normal." She doesn't answer. "Carina." I say again. "I know." She replies, still gripping my hand. 

"Do you want to go to a hospital?" I ask, she doesn't answer. "Carina I need to know if I need to turn the car around." I reply. "Just get us home, please." She answers.

My heart is racing, the tips of my fingers tingling. Im nervous she's not telling me something, that it's worse than she's saying. 

We get home and I grab her hand as we walk inside, I set my keys down and take off my shoes, sitting on the couch. I put on her favorite movie, an old Italian film in black in white. I put some water on to boil for some tea. It always makes her feel better.

The second I sit back down on the couch, I hear Carina yell my name. "Carina?" I respond, running upstairs to our bathroom. I knock on the door, but she doesn't respond. "Carina get away from the door." I yell, before I push myself through it. 

The silence in the room is deafening. Blood running down her legs, and on her fingertips. Her eyes looking through me, her breathing stopped.

"We're going to the hospital, let's go" I say as I pick her up, bridal style. I put her in the drivers seat and floor it. When I realize the nearest hospital is 40 minutes away, I curse myself for picking such a secluded spot. 

I reach into my center console, handing her a small hand towel. "It's all I have, I'm sorry." I say, placing my hand in hers as she tries to stop the bleeding. 

I turn my head and see her head slowly nodding in and out. "Carina stay with me." I say, grabbing her hand. "Only a couple more minutes, stay awake. You have to stay awake." 

The drive felt like it lasted forever. I pull the car into the emergency bay and jump out,  carrying her limp body through the doors. 

Doctors flood to her, as I place her on a gourney. She's wheeled away, my heart stops. What if that's the last time I'll see her alive? 

Y/n. I have to call y/n. The phone goes to voicemail. Shit, y/n pick up,  I think to myself. I call her again, to voicemail. I call Annie, and she picks up. "Hi maya, what's up?" She says. "You guys need to get to the hospital right away. Carina.. she was bleeding and now she's unconscious. Please get here quick." I reply, Annie says they're on their way, and hangs up. 

I sit in a waiting room chair alone, thinking the worst of the situation. My mind flashes to the moments before I went into the coma, seeing Carinas face when she saw me was the worst part of it all. Not the pain, not the threat of dying. Seeing her tears stream, her voice raspy because of yelling...

About an hour later, y/n and Annie walk in. Y/n runs up to me and hugs me. "Where is she? Is my mama okay?" She says, tears streaming down her cheeks. She looks just like Carina, the eyes, the nose, the hair. 

"She's in surgery, it's the baby. I don't know anything else." I reply.

Y/n's pov 

As I'm sitting next to maya, I'm gripping her hand with my right and Annie's with my left. I haven't stopped crying, I don't know how to stop the tears. I didn't even tell my mama I loved her before I left. I didn't even say goodbye. 

A doctor walks out with blood on their scrubs, heading towards us. He stops Infront of Maya and says "are you Maya Bishop- DeLuca?". She nods. "Please come with me." He says. 

She walks with him to what looks like an empty room. I anxiously pick the skin around my nails, waiting and waiting for Maya to get back. Waiting for Maya to tell me if my mama is alive. 

They walk back out together and Maya walks towards us, the doctor walking back the way he came. "She's alive. She.. we.. we lost the baby. She was bleeding internally, and if we were 10 minutes later she'd be dead. She's alive." Maya says, seemingly attempting to convince herself that mamas alive. 

I release a breath I didn't know I was holding. "She's alive?" I say, smiling while tears continue to fall down my face. Maya nods and takes a deep breath. "We can see her in 15 minutes, she might still be asleep but.."

I feel relieved that my mama lived, but I'm worried for her and Maya. They lost a baby, and I mean I lost a sibling. My mama.. she's going to be destroyed. 

darkest hourजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें