old memories

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Tw/ ED

A month later

Y/n's pov

There's two minutes left in my game. We're up by 1, we just have to hold them. Since I'm the goalie, this is all on me. My coach calls me over after our huddle, "Deluca. I'm counting on you." She says.

I watch as the timer runs, getting closer and closer to 0. My teams doing a pretty good job holding it on the other side. I watch as the other team gets the ball, passing it down the field closer and closer to me. The ball comes flying towards me, I launch my whole body to the right, catching it. My hands stinging as I hit the ground hard.

I hear my team cheering, but I can't seem to get up. My head is throbbing. "Deluca." My coach yells. "Deluca?" He yells again. I sit up slowly, and clutch my head. Oh my fucking god my head hurts so bad. 

All I remember is my mamma  and Maya running into the field. I wake up in the  hospital, my mom asleep on the chair next to me. Maya smiles at me and grips my hand. "What.." I say. "Very bad concussion. But you were also severely dehydrated." She adds.

My mamma stirs in her sleep, before opening her eyes.  "Bambina." She says, tears forming in her eyes. "Mamma I'm okay." I say, grabbing her hand. "Your coach is very worried about you. He keeps texting me". She says.

Probably because I hold the team together. I'm the best goalie in the area, maybe the state. I've been talking to a few division one colleges too. "He just wants to win." I say laughing.

Later that day 

We head home, my head throbbing as the medication has worn off. "Bambina, you are going to sit in your room in the dark. No phone, no tv, no nothing. No soccer for two weeks. We need your brain to heal correctly." It's a good thing we don't have any tournaments.

Hours pass as I sit in my room. My head hurts like a bitch. Maya walks in quietly and whispers "would you like anything to eat? Your mom is making lasagna." I keep my eyes closed, saying "no thank you". She lingers for a bit before leaving.

Mayas POV

She's not eating. She hasn't been eating dinner, she's been working out all the time. I'm worried about her because I see my in her. I was the same way in high school. I can't tell Car though, because what if it's not an issue and I make a scene for nothing?

"She said she's good for now." I say to carina. "Okay love" carina answers. I wrap my arms around her waist as she finishes everything up. "You know, you're very sexy when you cook" I say. "Fidanzata, you tell me that every time" she responds with a smile.

We eat in comfortable silence. "I've been thinking.." she starts. Oh god. "If you want to get married, I'd marry you". Holy shit. "This was not my proposal plan" I respond laughing. "Oh this isn't me accepting a proposal, this is me making a suggestion." Carina says. 

I smile, and lean in, kissing her lips gently. I set my head in her shoulder, still thinking about y/n. What if it is a problem, and I don't say something soon enough? What if it's not a problem and I make a huge deal of it? Does this mean I have to tell carina about my issues, because If so I don't want her monitoring my eating? I haven't restricted since I was 25. 

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