A new day

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An: long chapter!

Four weeks later

Mayas POV

Carina kisses the bruises forming on my stomach from the past injections, before cleaning it off with an alcohol wipe. "Are you ready?" She says, lining up the shot. "Yes, just get it over with." I reply, my hand gripping her shoulder.

She counts down from three before pricking my stomach. "All done, Bella." She replies, wiping the small dot of blood forming with a tissue. "Only one more, and then we get to have a baby" she says, kissing up my body to my lips.

I hear faint cries from Luna's room, she must've woken up from her nap. We head in, carina picks her up and holds her tight. "Y/n" luna says, reaching for the phone in my hand. "You wanna talk to her?" I ask, smiling. "Sí" luna replies, burying her head into carinas shoulder.

"I'll call her, and see if she answers, okay? She might be at practice Bambina." I say, dialing y/n. There's a few seconds of silence, before I see y/ns face on the screen. "Mom! What's up?" She asks, she's smiling, a sight I love to see. "Nothing much, your sister wants to talk to you." I say, handing the phone to Luna.

Lu squirms out of carinas arms, and begins to walk around and show y/n her toys, sharing a few comprehensible words here and there. Carina and I watch in awe of the both of them. The way y/n loves Lu, and the way Lu adores y/n is so wonderful.

We let them talk for a little, before an alarm goes off in y/n's phone. "I gotta go to practice, Lulu." She says, "I'll call you tomorrow?" Y/n adds. They say their good byes and their i love you's before hanging up.

Gabriella has been staying with us until she finds her own place here in the states. It's been a blessing, really. Especially when carina and I are both on the night shift, which is tonight. We are both in at 8pm, and back at 8am, which is nice because that means we can drive together.

Gabriella cooked dinner, and is basically finished by the time we bring Luna downstairs. She's on the phone with someone on speaker, sounds like a man? She hangs up dramatically, it's times like these when I wish I spoke fluent Italian so I could understand. "Gabri, was that Leo?" Carina asks, setting the table.

"Sí, he was asking when I am coming back, I told him I am not." She replies, plating dinner. "Cazzo, Gabri" carina replies. My head is going back and forth between the two of them, trying to get just a hint of what's happening. "Who is Leo?" I ask, my brows furrowed. "Her boyfriend" carina answers.

"He isn't my boyfriend" Gabriella replies, "you've been with him for years" carina says, throwing her hands in the air. "Sí, but he isn't my boyfriend" Gabriella replies laughing.

"Wait a minute. You just up and left Italy without telling your boyfriend?" I say, my jaw basically on the floor. "He isn't my boyfriend." Gabriella replies, laughing. Anyone who laughs makes Luna laugh, it doesn't matter the context. "Sí, Luna. Zia gabri is crazy." Carina says laughing, putting Luna in her chair at the table.

After we eat, we chat a little bit about gabriella and Leo. We eventually have to get ready for work, so we head upstairs and get dressed. "DeLuca I can feel your eyes on me" I say, smiling as I put my shirt on.

"Okay?" She replies, smiling. I roll my eyes and finish getting ready. She kisses me once before heading downstairs to get her coffee ready. I meet her downstairs, Gabriella hands me a Tupperware full of what she made tonight.

"It's for the station. Carina tells me she always cooks for them." She says, smiling. "They'll be very grateful" I reply laughing.

Carina drops me at the station, before driving to work herself. Being here is difficult some days, especially recently. I've been so emotional because of the hormone shots, and it's bringing back memories of my accident.

I do some paperwork at my desk, answering questions here and there for the firefighters on shift. My phone vibrates, it's a text form Gabriella. It's a picture of Luna, asleep in her bed, cuddling her stuffed fire truck.

My eyes start to well with tears, right as Andy barges in. "Bishop I.. are you crying?" She says, shutting the door behind her. "No." I reply, sniffling. "Yes you are. What happened?" She asks, sitting on my desk. "Nothing happened." I reply. My phone still laying on my desk, displaying the picture.

"You're crying at that? Bishop you never cry. What's actually wrong?" She asks again. "Oh my god, I shouldn't even be telling you this, but carina and I are trying to have another baby, and I've been getting these crazy hormone shots which have been making me so emotional." I say, wiping my tears with a tissue.

"You're pregnant?" She says, her eyes lighting up. "Not yet, but that's the plan." I reply. She wraps her arms around me. "Oh my gosh Maya, this is amazing!" She says smiling. "Yeah, we're excited. Just keep your mouth shut. I'll tell you when we know, but you still have to be silent until we tell the team." I say, hugging her back.

She pulls away, smiling at me still. "What?" I say, "you're just so.. grown up." She replies. I furrow my brows. "The old Maya didn't want anything except for her job, and her medal. Now you have a wife and a growing family. I'm a proud mama." She says, hugging me once again.

"Thank you Andy." I reply. "Now, stop crying before more people start asking questions." She says, walking towards the door. I laugh a little. "Keep your mouth shut." I say to her, she fake zips her lips before heading out.

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