come back to me

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Carinas pov 

As I'm treating burns on kids in the ER, I hear Miller and Hughes yell "Captain Maya Bishop, unconscious on the scene, severe burns, crashed in the ambulance but she's back, weak pulse...". Jackson looks at me, and mouths "go". I drop everything and run into her trauma room. "Deluca out" Owen yells. 

A nurse pulls me out of her room, and they shut the blinds. Y/N runs into the ER, hugging me. "Mamma, is she gonna be okay?" She say, like a little kid. "I don't know Bambina. I don't know." I respond, hugging her back.

We head to the chapel, hand in hand. "I spent a lot of time in here when Andrea was in the hospital. Maya didn't leave my side, she was there through it all." Tears escape down my face. We light a candle for her, and sit down. 

"First my Mamma, then my Papa, then Andrea... I can't take it anymore." I say quietly. "I love you Mamma" y/n says to me, laying her head on my shoulder. My phone buzzes, so I check it. 

April/ injuries are more severe than we thought, we're heading to the or to stop internal bleeding while we access her injuries. Shepherd is clipping an aneurysm. 

A few hours later 

"Carina?" A familiar voice rings out. I turn around, April and Amelia are standing there. "Is she okay?" I say. "We repaired her injuries to our best extent, however we don't know if she'll wake up. She lost a lot of blood on site, and in the OR. We're very sorry Carina." Amelia responds. 

My ribs feel like they're squeezing my lungs as my knees hit the floor. Amelia runs over to me, stroking my back and April holds my hand. I let out a stream of tears, and then quietly pull myself together. "I have to make a call." I say, and I step out.

Y/n's pov 

My mamma had me go home, she wanted me to get some sleep. I couldn't sleep, I had to know if Maya was okay. After a while, I begin to fall asleep. Right as my eyes are closing, my phone rings. "Mamma?" I say as I answer. "Bambina. She's alive, but they don't know if she'll wake up. She lost a lot of blood." She says.

My heart skips a beat. "Can I come see her?" I say, my mamma says of course. 

Carinas pov 

"Uh Amelia can I talk to you for a second?" I say, outside Mayas room. "Yea of course" she says, pulling me into an on call room. "I think I'm pregnant." I blurt out. She looks obviously confused. "Wh-" she starts but I interrupt. "About 3 months ago, Maya and I wanted to start trying. I think I'm pregnant, and I don't know what to do." 

She hugs me, "go see Maya, and we can talk after. Okay? Also, I think your Bambina is here." She says. I smile, "thank you Mia." I respond and walk out. 3 months is a while to not have noticed. I knew I missed my period, but didn't think anything of it. I have an irregular cycle anyways, and thought maybe wedding stress had an impact.

I walk into her room, seeing her laying lifeless in the bed. "Oh Bella." I say, tears falling down my cheeks. I take her hand in mine, feeling her weak pulse.  "You can't leave me Maya. I need you, Bambina".

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