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          "Uggghhhh," Shadow groaned. "Do I have to?" Sonic was sitting across from him, on the verge of bursting out in laughter.

           "Yes," said Silver. "Do it." Shadow hesitantly took the chili dog in his hands, and forced it down. He gagged in disgust and turned towards Sonic, giving him the death stare.

          "Alright," Shadow said. "Now, it's your turn...." He paused. "Sonic," he said with an evil look in his eye. Sonic, fearing for his life, buried his face in a pillow to prepare himself for what was about to happen.

        "Truth, or dare?" Shadow asked with a mischievous smirk on his face. Sonic, regretting his decisions, said dare. Along with Sonic, everyone was praying for him because they could tell, by the look of Shadow's face, what was about to happen. Shadow looked around the small room they were all in to find something to make him do. They all were all spending the night at Amy's house after a fight with Dr. Robotnik, (aka Eggman). "Hmmmm.." Shadow mumbled. After minutes of thinking, Shadow cleared his throat. "Sonic." Sonic perked up and looked at Shadow with fear in his eyes. "Go over to the window, and scream from the top of your lungs." Everyone was in shock that Shadow didn't make him eat a cockroach or something. Sonic quickly got up, but just as he was opening the window, Shadow said, "Hey, not so fast, hedgehog." Sonic stopped in his tracks, and slowly turned around to face Shadow. "I want you to scream, SHADOW IS BETTER THAN ME AND HE IS AWESOME AND HE IS THE BEST!!" Shadow said, laughing. Everyone all at once let out a groan because they knew something like that was coming. Sonic hung his head and sighed deeply, then proceeded to open the window. He hesitated, but then thought to himself that if he didn't do this then he would lose the game, and he never loses a game of Truth Or Dare.... Unless it's with Shadow. He looked back at everyone, who was staring at him, and then at Shadow, who was covering his mouth to make sure he didn't laugh. Sonic turned back to the window, and screamed.

         "SHADOW IS BETTER THAN ME AND HE IS AWESOME AND HE IS THE BEST!!" Sonic screamed. He, in shame, ran over to the bed and screamed into a pillow. Knuckles, thinking he was helping the situation, came over to Sonic and patted him on the back with his freakishly oversized hands. Shadow couldn't help but laugh. He was the only one, while everyone else looked at him in shame.

        "Ooh! Let's play Spin the Bottle!" Blaze blurted out. Everyone looked at her awkwardly, but agreed.

Shenanigans- Shadow X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now