Forget or remember? (chapter 12)

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I told them I was going to take a nap. Most of them believed it, but I know Techno didn't so, when going up the stairs I went to a balcony and, hid while waiting for Techno to pass and he did. "Y/n I know you're not going to sleep so what you up to?" Techno said walking to my room. I chose, to fly one my back hurt like hell, two why not. "Y/n why you out here?" I heard a voice from behind me to witch I turned around and kicked, no-one? "Y/n?" Turned again "Y/N!" again "Y/N!!!" It tapped me. "Hide." It told me. So, I shot out my wings and flow. "Y/n~"

"Hey Y/n why are you flying?" I heard Phil, so I turned and looked at him... No... Not him... But one of my last "dads" dismantled. So, I did the only thing I could. Flow, fast, very fast. I got to my hiding spot for any family, and like it said I hid. "Ms.?" I heard a little girl say. "Why do you look like me?" I turned to see 5-year-old me. "Well, I am you." I spoke. She smiled. "We get a happy family By the way." I spoke again. "Don't forget about your neckless it changes." She spoke. "What?" I looked at her. "We have two that pick who gets who, plus dark and light. We can have all if we wanted don't forget." She spoke softly. "Well, I got to go now you'll wake up in 5 minutes, the roof." She spoke slowly, fading.




You pick :D

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