Visits and Introducing. (chapter 11)

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"Y/N?!" I heard Tommy yell as he ran out is room to make sure I was okay. I looked at him as Techno sighed walking to his room. "WHO ARE THEY!" Tommy yelled yanking me up. "Tom they are Tubbo or Tubs and Ranboo my friends." I said helping them up. "nice lie Y/N you don't have friends but me, Skeepy, BBH and weird guy whom is obsessed with clocks (Karl)," Purpled said from the shadows. 

"Who the fuck?" Tubbo said looking at Purpled. "Don't worry about him, his a asshole. "Who wants to 1 v 1 me?" I asked, as Techno came back out. "I'm watching you 4." He said leaning against the wall. "I WANT MY REMATCH!" Tubbo yelled pulling out his iron sword. "Give me mine." I said with my hand out for my iron sword even though I have a diamond on but I just wanted it to be fair. "Ok here." he gave me my old iron sword. "TO THE DUNGEON!" I yelled running to the dungeon .

I got into first stance, so did Tubbo but a shitty one like I used to do. "Hit me Tubbo, or are you to scared." I said before he tried to hit me. So, I elbowed him in the back. Catching him I dropped him to his back, sword to his neck. "Good try Tubs, Tom you wanna go?" I asked grabbing wooden sword, so he had a small advantage, with an iron sword. "Sure."

Tubbo Pov

"Good luck Tommy! You'll need it!" I yelled before sitting down next to Ranboo "Y/n gonna win even if she's using a wooden sword." Ranboo said to me "Get ready Tom," I said before he tried to hit Y/n. "Or not-" I said, Ranbbo laughed. "He needs luck." Ranboo said as Y/n hit him not hard but hard. 

"Come on Tom try harder, it's boring if you don't." Y/n said getting back into first stance as Tommy got back up, again trying to hit her but missed. "FUCK!" Tommy yelled after Y/n kicked him in the back of the leg making him fall. "You gonna try again or do I fight Mr. blood God? Again." She said foot on his back pushing down sword behind is neck. 

"UGH This isn't fair!" Tommy yelled kicking the air. "I mean she did beat your ass so it seems fair and Y/n rematch bet." Techno said or the Blood God from what Y/n said. "Diamonds, Or Iron?" Y/n said Tommy sat down.

"Who do you think will win?" He asked me and Ranboo. "Y/N She has never lost a sword fight. Not once even if it was first blood. It's like someone's telling her what to do when she's fighting it's scary." Ranboo said, he wasn't wrong ether. "It's scary if blood gets on her face it's like, she isn't her. She has like a blood lust. Plus she's the only can look Ranboo in the eyes when his mad, and she can calm him down. No-one really knew what she is she would space out a lot when she first go to the orphanage. She no was one to be, how I put this without her looking a psychopath, uh mest with to say the least. I've seen a lot of blood, she's also good at hiding and faking emotion, not even Ms. Niki can tell if she is faking or not, well me and Ranboo can, surprised  you guys aren't die, she once killed one of her families-" I was telling Tommy while Y/n, and techno went over how they were gonna do it.

"You guys going to keep on talking about me? Or can fight? Oh By the way we are going to-do first blood wins. Dagger, swords and bows." Y/n said, grabbing some daggers. "Cool we'll watch." Someone came in the room. "Hi d- Phil." Y/n said, smiling. "Just call him Dadza! It's Not that fucking hard!" Tommy yell, before a dagger flow beside his face hitting the wall. "Don't tell me what to do." Y/n said, walking to get her dagger.

"Told you she's scary." Ranboo said trying not to laugh. "She didn't hit-" Tommy said before I cut him off. "Because she cares if she didn't, she would have killed you." I said as Techno and Y/n got in position. 

"Wait isn't this unfair she's like 12 Techno's 20." A women popped up next to me. "Hi Mumza!" Y/n, Tommy, and Techno. 

Y/n Pov

I knew Techno wasn't going to throw the first hit, so I got out my bow, shot at him, slightly missing his cheek. "Come on don't just sit there like you're dead!" I yelled, Techno, grabbed out his sword and ran at me. Almost hitting me before I moved fast. "Did she mover or teleport?!" Tommy yelled.

"Moved." Purpled, Tubbo and Ranboo said, in sync. "I don't believe that you didn't even see her move!" Wilbur said, as I kicked Techno away from be before he could try to attack again. "No I moved I grew to move very fast from my past family and schools I've been to, plus I once had to run 2 miles at school and had to run 5 miles back to the orphanage, after the 2 miles." I said, grabbing out my sword and running at him but not as fast as before, then jumping to the side knocking his sword out of his hand before his sword could hit me. "Mine." I said Grabbing the sword. at the same time as I grabbed his dagger midair, I then tripped him.

"Looks like I beat the Blood God again." I said dropping a dagger next to his face cutting his cheek. "I wanna go against Y/n!" Purpled yelled. "Nope I'm tired." I said walking away to my room. "Oh and Tom show Tubs and Ran the guest rooms." I said leaving to go to my room and take a nap.

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