A story (Chapter 10

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Y/n pov

I got home and sat on sat in my room reading a book. I heard the window behind me open up, I thought it would be Tubbo or Ranboo, but to my surprise it wasn't ether, so I grabbed my dagger. "Who are you and why are you here!" I pointed the dagger that the person.

"Well you can call me Chronos." He said sitting down, and looked to the side as if he was thinking. "Why I'm here is a difficult answer." He looked back at me. "Well have you heard of the moirai or the fates?" He said as I looked at him half confused, cause I've heard of them, just didn't know the story of them nor have I read the book yet. "Not surprised it not a vary well known story Well there are three goddesses, one that makes the thread of live, or the fate of birth Clotho, the one that cuts it, or the fate of death Atropos, and Lachesis she makes the choice of how long the thread is. Now no God or Goddess can stop her from her choice. Not even Zeus himself can, the ruler of Gods and Goddess can't. They all are different but the thing is they can't live without each other. They can kill immorals if they are in harmony. Something more shocking no-one knows who they're greek parents are, Greek Mythology is interesting right? Anywho I have to go to another dimension." I just looked at him while he disappeared. "What the fuck!" I yelled.

I walked out of my room cracking my back do to how long u have been hiding my wings till I ran into a 11' woman with black and gold wings. "Oh your the new child Phil adopted are you adorable." She said as she looked down at me with a smile she seemed vary nice. "Hello ma'am." I bowed a bit and smiled back at her. "You don't have to call me ma'am you can call me mumza if you'd like." She said sitting down so we were at the same height. "Oh and why do you hide your wings?" She asked me I was shocked at how she knew. "I uh how did you know?" I said looking to the side. "I can tell if people have wings or not plus you were cracking you back as you walked in to me." She said stating that I have been hiding my wings for a while. "Plus every time I see Phil his hiding his wings." She add I looked to the side having a feeling of guilt. "Hey it's ok if you don't want to show your wings it's fine." She said she was still smiling, she was vary sweet.

"Thanks mumza." I hugged as if she was my real mother. "Just give me a bit at least a week till I show my wings." I said smiling up at her she seemed nice but then again so did my other mothers but they were assholes from the start as soon as we got to their house. "I'm not forcing you to show them, but you can if you want." She said I nodded I keep on talking with her till I heard running from down the hallway. "Well I have to go bye sweetheart." She said disappearing. "Y/N!" I heard two familiar voices call out to me, I turned around and was tackled to the floor by bee boy and Ender boy. "WHAT THE FUUUU-

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