Nice and mean people (Chapter 3)

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A/N: Sorry I didn't update for 6 days My mum said I wasn't aloud to use my laptop cause I was with family T-T

Oh uh there is Trauma in this chapter  it will look like 'this' but It's not a flashback more of a voice of that person you don't see what happened you just hear the voice

I woke up a new room not mine but had a lot of books. "The hell?" I got up and seen Techno reading "Oh hello, guess you don't sleep a lot but it's 6:28 am you passed out at 4:50 on the 15th floor after I told you to go back to sleep so you didn't listen to me, but did I took you to my room cause I didn't want you to wake up on the floor" He said calmly

"So you carried me here from the 15th floor after I didn't listen, why?" I looked at him as he closed the book and turned around "Cause your my sister." 'You wanna know why I hit you? Cause your my sister no-one can tell me I can't' he walked closer to me, I stepped back from fear "I- I'm sorry" I said tried not to show fear "I'm going to my room" I said as I left the room in a rush

"Y/N? why are you up at this time." 'Y/N Why are you up at this time!'  I turned around to see Phil "I-I uh I'm sorry Phil..." I walked away as fast I could I opened the door to my room and went to my bed and put my head in my pillow "Damn it can't they just go away! I get no sleep cause of the dumb fire... now the dumb voices are back"

after 15 minutes of my face in a pillow I got up and went to go change in to a t-shirt and sweatpants (A/n you can change it if you want") after I went to Phil's office and knocked on the door

"Come in." I opened the door and walked in and closed the door "Hey can I go out to the city?" I asked as he looked up and smiled "Sure just be back before dinner oh and here some gold and sliver if you want to buy any thing." He looked back down at his work putting down the bag with the gold and sliver "Okay I'll be back be for dinner bye da-Phil" I picked up the bag and opened the door and closed the door after seeing Phil's eyes glow up like a child who just got a bike

I went to the castle doors and went out to the city and looked around I had seen a bakery and went there "Hello!" A person with a black and red hood on "Hi" I bowed my head a bit "What would you like to get?" I when to the counter and looked at what they had "Can I get 2 cookies and a loaf of bread." I smiled and seen a demon tail I can't lie it was cool "Okay that will be four sliver" I smiled and grabbed four sliver and gave them to him"

 "Skeepy I need 2 cookies and a loaf of bread!" I he smiled and a boy with diamonds all over him came with the 3 things I ordered "Thank you" I bowed my head and waved a goodbye I found a nice place to eat my food, a boy cam up to me about 14 we talked for a bit and i gave him a cookie till his mum called him.

 I was almost done eating was a goat man came and throw a peace of land at me "Ow the hell man!" I said getting up and dusting off my sweatpants and shirt "Well sorry you're just weak" He said pointing at my gray neckless. "Just cause I don't have a power doesn't mean I'm weak!" I yelled at him clearly pissed "Oh no the powerless girl is angry oh no what will I do" He mocked me it annoyed me to know there is a bigger asshole then Nick (Not Sapnap) So I did what I do best dogged the land he throw at me slowly getting closer to him to kick him.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" I turned around to see Tommy! "Why should I?" 'Why should I not hit you! you're my kid!' I ran to Tommy who splashed water on the goat man "Don't fuck with her Schlatt! If you do you will be executed on sighted!  Come on Y/n lets go back. Oh and why were you out It's going to be dinner time in 30 minutes." I laughed as he tilted his head "I wanted to explore a bit."

We got back to the castle "I think it almost dinner time so we are fine." Tommy said smiling at me a nodded "Oh uh thank you for helping me with him." I looked at him "No problem your my sister after all." I smiled as Techno looking like himself "Where were you two?" I laughed at him as Tommy looked to the side "I got permission to go out by Phil I don't know about Tommy" I said pointing to Tommy who scratched the back of his neck "I left to go find Y/N" Tommy pointed to me "Hey you could of asked Phil where I was!" I slapped Tommy's hand "Stop fighting it seems like you guys are really siblings!" I look to see Wilbur arms crossed pissed "Uhh" I looked at the clock to see it said 5:39

"Kids time for dinner!" I heard Phil yell Tommy drabbed my arm and ran leaving Wilbur and Techno behind

"Tommy stop dragging her" Phil said as Tommy ran into the dining room. "Fineee" Tommy said dragging the 'e' and sat down next to Phil who patted the other seat next to him "Sit down Y/n" I nodded and sat down next to him

After a bit Wilbur and Techno came in. after eating for 10 minutes "Oh Y/n was attracted by Schlatt but he ran away." I looked at Phil trying not to show fear thinking he was mad but he wasn't he was worried. "I'm glad you both okay but if he ever does that again his dead." after we were done eating I headed to my room as I heard music from Wil's room.

Phil's pov

It's been about 3 hours after dinner so I had already said good night to Techno and Tommy even though Techno doesn't sleep now I was going to say good night to Wilbur as I entered his room to Y/n was leaving "Hi Y/n thought you would be in your room right now" She smiled and said "Oh me and Wil were playing some music I was heading there now." I could tell she was lying about something "Okay oh we are telling everyone that you a princess tomorrow  good night" She nodded and headed to her room I went to my room after saying night to Wil

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