Secrets (Chaper 6)

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The pain in was gone and be for I knew it my wing sprouted out of my back. "Just cereus?? Huh." All I could think of doing was running so I did out the door straight down the hallway.

I started to hear someone running behind me then it stopped and started to hear wings flaping knowing that I could never be faster then someone flying  I jumped out a non opened window

Phil's pov

She started to slouch a bit after me rubbing her back, after she realized what I was doing she sat straight and looked to be freaking out, wings popped out of her back. "Just cereus?? Huh." I said right before she dashed to the door and ran out it.

I followed her she was really fast so I started to fly knowing no-one can out run a person that was flying, I looked at her wings the bottoms were black and tucked together as if she didn't know how to fly. After 2 seconds of fly she jumped out a window.

I went fast, "Y/N!" I yelled as I saw she was falling not opening her wings so I dived down to  grab her and I did I flow us back to her room.

"Y/n are you crazy are you bleeding." I made sure she wasn't hurt in anyway, when I looked at her she was in shock.

"I'm s-sorry for not telling you." Her face went from shock to fear and sadness. "Y/n I'm not mad I just don't want you to get hurt here give me a hug." I said as I opened my arms she flinched before hugging me.

"Your aloud to have secrets ok Y/n now hide your wings if you want lets go back out there and if you want I can teach you how to fly tomorrow." I said to her as she nodded and hid her wings.

Y/n pov time skip

I was sitting on my bed when I was reading about the goddess of death (MUMZA) Kristen when Techno came in. "Y/n do you know anything about your mum and dad like your real ones?" He asked me I nodded.

"Not a lot just that both of them had wings both black  my mum was way taller then my dad and the day they died their wings at the top to near the end became white. My dad was blonde mum was a blackish brownish color dad would visit me and mum. That's all I know."

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