
Lyra very rarely called her father as intimately like this.


He places the book down and looks up smiling at her.

"I assume you already perceive what I am about to declare, and I already apprehend what your response is going to be. Still, for the comfort of my heart let me ask again. Are we continuing to turn a blind eye towards all these embezzlements, frauds, and missing money?"

"I already advised you. Wholly overlook it. This amount of money won't empty the treasure."

"I know it won't, but this is still stealing. This is an act of crime that needs to be addressed more promptly than later."

"I already talked about this with Nabal. Apparently, they are using all this money to establish an orphanage, and a school, and even provide medical facilities and free clothes to the public. All of this money is being put to good use therefore let us not claim it as stealing."

Gritting her teeth, Lyra thinks,

'What beneficial use? They are undoubtedly lying. They have done nothing of the sort.'

She doesn't reply anything but her father nevertheless continues,

"You know you should learn a thing or two from them."

"You require me to steal?"

Lyra bitterly spits out to which her father shakes his head,

"No, my dear. I am referring to helping our people. Set aside money from your own account to aid them."

Rolling her eyes Lyra thinks about how she is heretofore achieving that, but it is useless to inform her father of it. She then changes the topic back to where they had begun conversing,

"Tell uncle that next time instead of extracting money secretly, I demand details of where they squandered it. After noting the evidence, I will overlook it otherwise, it will still come under as stealing and if someday, someone was to leak these records, then I won't help them."

"Alright, I will do that. Don't worry, he will provide you with everything you require. Now, enough of this topic. How is work going?"

"Pretty good. Although does Brother Wily has to work with me?"

"Is anything wrong with working with him?"

"As you already know, I am a perfectionist. His way of working is too relaxed and careless. No wonder the accounts were falling apart. He barely knows how to tally numbers."

Her father hums in return. This surprises Lyra as he did not assert anything to defend his brother's son. However, it was too soon for her to be pleasantly surprised as her father adds,

"While that may be valid, you must admit he is comparatively splendid at convincing investors. Solely give him time and counsel him where necessary."

Ignoring his words Lyra compiles her papers and gets up abruptly,

"I wanted to request to be allowed to leave the palace today."

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