All of the Death Eaters had now regained consciousness and formed a circle around Raven and Voldemort. "What are your orders, my Lord?" Lucius asked.

"Take the boy and bring him with us." Voldemort ordered. "Our rein of terror...begins."

"Yes, my Lord." Lucius said as he and Macnair began to walk to Raven.

Raven opened his eyes. "Fuck you!" He flipped them off. "I'm dying on my own terms."


Raven Disapparated.

Voldemort blasted the headstone where Raven was with his wand, causing it to explode.

"Not to worry, my Lord." Avery said. "Mordecur will not survive with his wounds."

"Do not underestimate the boy, Avery!" Voldemort hissed, turning to him. "No..." He said softly, looking up at the night sky. "Raven will return."

You continue to surprise me, Raven. Voldemort thought. It's unfortunate...I could have made you into a terrifying Death Eater.

"What's the plan now, my Lord?" Nott asked.

"We switch up the first plan." Voldemort replied. "Instead of using Raven to kill his mother...we use Wren to kill her son." He turned to Lucius. "Which I will leave in your hands, Lucius. You have access in the Ministry, so when the time is right, put Wren Mordecur under the Imperius Curse and have her kill her son...then, let her realize what she's done for only but a moment, then kill her."

"Yes, my Lord." Lucius said. "It will be difficult as that woman is strong, but I will see that it is done."

"Then let us proceed." Voldemort said.

"Thank you, come again." The store clerk, who was working late said as a pink haired woman left the shop.

"I think that's everything." She thought out loud, pocketing her purchased item. "Time to head home." She started walking down Diagon Alley, and before she prepared to Disapparate, a noise interrupted her.



Nymphadora Tonks instinctively drew out her wand, pointing it to the dark alley where she heard the noise. "Who's there?" She called, but no one answered. "Lumos!" Her wand illuminated the alley, and she saw the boxes that were once stacked had fallen over or were broken.

She saw a silhouette laying on the floor. "Hey, you okay?" She called rushing forward. She turned the person over and she gasped in shock at the site. "Raven..." She quickly grabbed his face. "Raven, hey, say something!"

Tears began to fill her eyes as she frantically checked to see if he was still breathing. Putting a finger under his nose, she found him barely breathing, and when she went to check his wrist for a pulse, she only touched the brick ground.

"Oh my god." Nymphadora gasped when she saw that he had no right arm. "What happened to you?" She stared in shock for a moment before realizing Raven needed her help. "C'mon." She began to lift him, using her wand to alleviate the weight. "I need to get you to St. Mungo's."

She moved as fast as she could, carrying Raven towards The Leaky Cauldron. Tears were falling from her eyes and her pink hair was now fading back to it's original mousy brown. "Stay with me, Raven."

Using her back to burst the door open, Nymphadora entered The Leaky Cauldron, and with haste, went to the fireplace. She managed to grab a handful of floo powder and dropped it saying, "St. Mungo's."

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