Chapter 13: Getting into Trouble

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It was morning when Sentinel Zeta Prime's daughter, Princess Aura came to visit her father. As the princess's transport landed in the Cybertronian capital of Iacon, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The caste system had been in place for centuries, and tensions between the lower and higher castes were at an all-time high. She had heard rumors of a powerful gladiator turned revolutionary named Megatronus, who now called himself Megatron, and his followers who were plotting to overthrow the Autobot government.

As she made her way to the Citadel, where her father, Sentinel Zeta Prime, was running things, she couldn't help but wonder if her father was taking the situation seriously enough. She knew he had a tendency to downplay threats to his power.

When she finally reached the Citadel, she was greeted by her father's loyal guards. As she made her way to his throne room, she noticed the tense atmosphere in the air. Her father was deep in discussion with his advisors, and they fell silent as she entered the room.

"Princess Aura," her father said, rising from his throne to greet her. "It's good to see you."

Aura curtsied, then looked up at her father. "Father, I'm concerned about the rumors I've been hearing. The lower castes are growing restless, and I've heard of this Megatronus who is leading a revolutionary movement."

Her father's expression darkened. "Megatronus is a fool," he said. "He may have been a powerful gladiator, but he knows nothing of running a government. His followers won't succeed in overthrowing us."

Aura wasn't convinced. "But Father, the lower castes are suffering. They have no voice in government, and they feel oppressed. If we don't address their concerns, they will rise up against us."

Her father sighed. "I understand your concerns, my daughter. But I assure you, we are taking steps to address the issues facing the lower castes. We will not let Megatron and his followers succeed in their revolutionary plans. Trust me, Aura, we have everything under control."

Princess Aura entered her room in the Citadel of Iacon, exhausted by the day's events. She walked over to her desk and sat down, opening her journal. The recent news of Megatron's growing rebellion weighed heavily on her mind, and she needed to get her thoughts down on paper.

As she started writing, her concerns poured out onto the page. She feared for the safety of her people and worried that Megatron's plans would bring about destruction and chaos.

But as she wrote, she also found a glimmer of hope. The Autobots were strong and resilient, and she trusted that they would do everything in their power to protect their home and defeat their enemies.

With a sigh of relief, Princess Aura closed her journal, feeling a sense of clarity and purpose. She knew that the road ahead would be difficult, but she was ready to face it with courage and determination.

 She knew that the road ahead would be difficult, but she was ready to face it with courage and determination

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(What Sentinel Zeta Prime looks like in my fanfic alternate universe)


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