Chapter 8: The Revelation

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Melione and Orion arrived at the Iacon Hall of Records as they exited out of the tunnels as they went into Alpha Trion's office and knocked on the door. "Alpha Trion, it's us: Me and Orion Pax," Melione said "Come in." Alpha Trion said as they entered.

Alpha Trion was sitting at his desk when Melione and Orion approached him. "There is something that Orion should talk to you about something private which is something between you and him," Melione explained "Very well," Alpha Trion said as Melione leaves the office as Orion speaks. "Alpha Trion, you said that I was created and born from the Allspark, but before I was captured, Quintessa, the leader of the Quintessons said I'm the son of someone named Thetas Prime and Solarguard."

Alpha Trion changed his expression as he knew it was time for the truth to be revealed "Alpha Trion, where did I come from?" Orion Pax asked "Well, you see, uh...Orion, sparklings come from their carriers. But, please, don't ask me where carriers get their sparklings," Alpha Trion said in a dry voice to hide his guilt.

"No, that's not what I meant," Orion said, Alpha Trion paused until he replied "....I know it's not. Orion...I think it's time I told you something that I should have told you a long time ago."

"Okay," Orion retorted. "You...might have been kind of...a...ah...adopted," Alpha Trion said.

"I knew it!" Orion Pax exclaimed "You knew? Well, who told you?" the surprised Alpha Trion asked "No one, I mean, come on, Alpha Trion" Orion answered, "But if you knew, why didn't you ever say anything?" Alpha Trion asked. "Why didn't you say anything?! How did I get here, Alpha Trion? Where did I come from?" Orion added as he is desperate to know the truth. " came from your parents." Alpha Trion replied. "My...My parents?" Orion stuttered.

Alpha Trion pulls out a small baby blue blanket that is for sparklings, "Your father, Solarguard, and your mother, Aquila Theta a.k.a Thetas Prime. They were the warriors who gave you life together when you were born. They loved you so much," he explained. "If that were true, then why did they abandon me?" Orion Pax asked as he jumps to conclusions "No, Orion! Your parents did not abandon you as a sparkling. They gave you to me, told me to take you in, and they sacrificed themselves to save you," Alpha Trion explained.

"Save me? From what? From whom?" Orion asked "The Quintessons." Alpha answered. "They invaded Cybertron many stellar cycles ago...long after they killed their creator, Quintus Prime. Your parents tried to fight them to save our planet, but they were murdered by the Quintessons. I couldn't save them, Orion. I swore to them that I would protect you and that I would raise you to be as good as them." he explained.

"But, why didn't you tell me?" Orion asked in tears. "If you knew of my parents, why didn't you...?"

"I wanted to wait until you were old enough to learn the truth. I didn't tell you at a young age because if I did, then you wouldn't have handled it." Alpha Trion answered. "Well, it's too late! Now, the Quintessons are back and their leader is after me because she knows who my parents were!" Orion said as he gets upset and stormed away and goes into the tunnels.


The tunnels...

Ariel was on her way to the Iacon Hall of Records when she hears soft cries as she turns to a dead-end tunnel and sees Orion at the corner with his face planted on his knees as he is upset. Ariel approaches Orion Pax as she sits down and puts her servo on his shoulder, Orion Pax jumps as he turns around and saw her as he relaxes and they hold each other's arms before leaning on the corner. Ariel doesn't say a word as she stays in silence and comforts her boyfriend.


Iacon Hall of Records...

Melione was sitting on the walls as she glances at a picture in her servo of her parents, Megatronus Prime and Solus Prime along with her as an infant being carried by both her parents.

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