Chapter 1: The Pits of Kaon

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Orion Pax traveled with his girlfriend and their friend over to Kaon to meet with Melinoe's half-brothers, Dionysus and Osiris. Once they have arrived there, they bought tickets to enter the Gladiatorial Pits of Kaon to watch the gladiators fight in the arena. Orion, Ariel, and Melinoe greeted their friends, Dionysus and Osiris who were excited to watch some action battle in the arena. "Hello, Dionysus, Osiris." Melinoe greeted the two bots who were sitting right next to each other. "Hey, sis! Hey Ariel, Pax! You're just in time to watch the arena with us at Kaon." Osiris said to his half-sister and friends. Orion Pax sat right next to Ariel and their friends and they watched a battle between a gladiator and a giant Cybertronian beast. The gladiator tried to kill the monster, but he ended up getting mauled to death by its claws, much to Orion Pax's shock as he closed his eyes. After the staff put the beast back to its cage and cleaned up the gladiator's broken body, the crowds of people booed at such failure.

"That poor gladiator. He didn't stand a chance against that beast!" Said Dionysus. Orion and his friends hear a loud, screeching sound from the speakers before the mech at the recording booth began to announce that the beast will be defeated by a gladiator who cannot be defeated. "Femme bots and mechs! Are you not entertained? Well, prepare for some excitement! For you are about to witness the strongest and most deadliest gladiator in the Pits of Kaon! Get ready for the former Energon Slave Miner and Arena Champion who's named himself after one of the Thirteen Original Primes. Femme bots and mechs, I give you...Megatronus! The undefeated Gladiator and Champion of Kaon!" The crowd at the arena cheered with excitement and it made Orion Pax curious to know who this champion of a gladiator is. "Open the gates and let him come fourth!" A guard said as the gates opened and Kaon's most toughest gladiator made his appearance as he stepped out of the shadows and into the light at the arena.

"Megatronus! Megatronus! Megatronus! Megatronus!" The people chanted. "Who's Megatronus?" Orion Pax asked his friends. "Oh, Orion. You haven't heard of the famous Gladiator who survived every battle in the Pits of Kaon?" Osiris asked. "No." Orion said as he nodded. "Well, wait until you see how he can take down that beast! It's going to get better than what we've got from the last gladiator." The mech said. "Release the beast!" Said a male voice. The guards opened the gates to release the same beast that killed its victim. Orion Pax was afraid that this gladiator would fail and perish. But to his surprise, Megatronus charged at the beast and he sliced its arm in half with his blade that came from his harm. Then he used his fusion cannon to blast the monster right in the face. The battle seemed to last for hours and Megatronus was brave and unstoppable in fighting the robotic monster. When he delivered the final blow and blasted his opponent to slag, Megatronus emerged victorious as he stood right on top of the beast while stretching his arms out with his blade and shield. The crowd went wild as they throw confetti at the Gladiator who once again won another battle in the arena. "And the winner of the arena is: Megatronus!" an announcer said.

The crowd cheered and clapped their hand servos and Orion Pax was both surprised and impressed by what he just saw down there before Megatronus makes an epic speech as he said, "Thank you, thank you all! Though I will admit that if not for my strength and cunning, I would not have survived another day in the arena at the Pits of Kaon. Know this, for as long as I live, you will all be inspired by me to never fear your enemies! Thanks to my teachers, I have become more strongr, greater, powerful, and more fearless than I was before! And one day, we will all fight as one for the good of the people and for the good of Cybertron and for our life-giver, Primus. Does anyone agree with me?" He asked. "YES!!!" Said the citizens of Kaon as they cheered. Orion Pax was moved by Megatronus' words and he also agreed with his words of inspiration as he clapped his hand servos and smiled at the Champion. Later that day, Orion Pax was hanging out with Ariel when he decided that he wanted to meet Megatronus himself. However, no one was allowed to have an autographing session with one of the champions and gladiators of Kaon.

Orion was thinking of a way to find and meet the gladiator when he heard a cheery greeting that made him jump. He turned to see Melione and he sighed in relief, "Oh, it's just you...What are you doing here, Mel?" Orion asked. "Nothing. Just wondering what you're doing." Melione replied as she bounced up and down around him. "I'm trying to find a spot somewhere where I could meet the gladiator. But, no autographs were allowed in the Gladiatorial Pits of Kaon." Orion Pax said as Melione looked around and she noticed the entrance was locked.

"We can just go in, like last time." She said. "How? It's locked." Orion said as Melione looked at the lock, swipes her digit up and the entrance was opened. "How did you...?" Orion Pax asked in shock as Melione shrugged, "I don't know, Magic." She said. "Come on, let's find the gladiator."

Orion Pax and Melione wandered around the Gladiatorial Pits looking for one of the champions and the gladiators of Kaon. "I don't get it. Where is he?" Orion asked while looking around. "I don't know, but I'm hungry." Melione responded as her tank growled while sighing, "Look, let's just find that gladiator, then we'll go back, I feel like Alpha Trion might be upset if we're caught by security or by some beast." Orion Pax said as Melione nodded and they continued looking.

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