Chapter 10: Old Friends and New Discoveries

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Megatronus, the former miner, former gladiator, and revolutionary who now refers to himself as "Megatron" when he feels like it because he's still trying to get used to shortening his name, walked through the bustling streets of Iacon, his mind consumed with thoughts of how to help his fellow lower-class Cybertronians who were suffering under the corrupt Caste System. He was deep in thought when he bumped into someone he hadn't seen in a long time.

"Firestar!" he exclaimed, his face breaking into a grin. "It's been too long!"

The former nurse from Kaon smiled in return. "Megatronus, it's good to see you too," she said, noting the tension in his body. "Is everything all right?"

Megatronus sighed. "Not really. I'm just trying to figure out how to help our people."

Firestar nodded sympathetically. "I know how you feel. It's hard to see them suffer."

They fell into step together, chatting about old times as they made their way to MacCadam's for an Energon drink.


Meanwhile, Orion Pax was deep in the Iacon Hall of Records, trying to solve the mystery of his mother's status as the "13th member of the Original Primes." He had always been curious about her role in the history of Cybertron, and now he had the chance to find out.

After hours of searching, he finally came across a dusty old book that held the key to the mystery. According to the book, Nova Prime had replaced Megatronus Prime as the new 13th member of the Original Primes before he disappeared. Nominus Prime had succeeded Nova Prime as the new 13th Prime before he disappeared mysteriously.

Orion Pax took careful notes, his mind racing with new questions and possibilities. As he left the library, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. What other secrets lay hidden in the history of Cybertron?

Back at MacCadam's, Megatronus and Firestar laughed and reminisced, happy to have reconnected after all these years. Despite the hardships they faced, they knew that moments like this were what made life worth living. As they parted ways, Megatronus couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of determination. He would continue to fight for his people, no matter what.

As Orion Pax made his way to MacCadam's after his discovery at the library, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and curiosity. He had uncovered a piece of Cybertronian history that could change everything he knew about the Original Primes.

But as he arrived at the bar, his attention was drawn to Megatronus, or rather, Megatron, as he now referred to himself. He was deep in conversation with a female friend, Firestar, and Orion Pax could tell that they were having a deep conversation.

Deciding to give his best friend some space, Orion Pax made his way to the bar to order a glass of Energon punch from the owner, MacCadam.

As he sipped his drink, he was joined by his girlfriend, Ariel. She asked him how he had been, and he told her about his trip to the library, carefully avoiding any mention of the information he had uncovered.

As they chatted, Orion Pax couldn't help but keep an eye on Megatron and Firestar. He had always been curious about Megatron's plans for helping the lower-class Cybertronians, and he wondered if Firestar was involved in those plans somehow.

Megatron ordered an Energon drink for Firestar, and she thanked him for it with a smile. Orion Pax couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth as he watched his friend and his new acquaintance enjoy each other's company.

As the night wore on, Orion Pax found himself lost in thought. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was something important he was missing, something that could change everything.

But for now, he was content to let Megatron and Firestar have their moment. He knew that whatever plans Megatron had in mind, they were sure to be bold and daring. And he couldn't wait to see what the future held for all of them.


Ratchet sat in the front row of the lecture hall, scribbling notes as quickly as he could. Beside him, his sister's boyfriend Pharma did the same, his pen moving expertly over the paper. They were both studying to become Autobot medics, and this was the class that would prepare them for their final exams.

"How do you think you did on that quiz last week," Pharma whispered.

Ratchet shrugged. "Not great. But I'll make up for it on the next one."

Pharma rolled his eyes. "You always say that, Ratchet. But you need to start taking this more seriously. This is life and death stuff we're dealing with."

Ratchet bristled at the rebuke, but he knew that Pharma was right. The two of them had grown up together, and they both knew how important their work would be when they graduated. They had to be the best.

As the lecture went on, Ratchet found himself getting lost in the details of the Autobot medical protocol. He was good at this, he knew it. All those years of tinkering with his father's tools had given him an innate understanding of how machines worked. He could apply that same logic to biology, too.

Pharma leaned over and nudged him. "Take a look at this," he whispered, holding up his notes for Ratchet to see. "It's the new interface for the Autobot medical system. I think it could be a game-changer."

Ratchet's eyes widened as he took in the elegant lines of the design. He could see immediately how this new interface would streamline their work and make diagnoses more accurate.

"You're a genius, Pharma," he murmured.

Pharma grinned, but then he grew serious again. "We're going to graduate soon, Ratchet. We'll be out there in the field, saving lives. We have to be the best."

Ratchet nodded, feeling a surge of determination. He would be the best. They both would. And together, they would change the face of Autobot medicine forever.

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