Ella. (Her.) 💕 (Finale)

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True to your word, you texted Sana the next day, and before you knew it, the two of you had planned a date

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True to your word, you texted Sana the next day, and before you knew it, the two of you had planned a date. You decided to try out different restaurants around the city, but everywhere you went, Sana got recognized by her fans. People would stop her on the street, asking for photos and autographs, and you could sense Sana growing more and more anxious.

At the third restaurant, things really started to get out of hand. A group of fans recognized Sana and began to swarm around her table, asking for selfies and bombarding her with questions. Sana tried to be gracious, but it was clear she was getting overwhelmed.

You watched as Sana's eyes darted around the room, searching for a way out.

" I'm sorry, I can't do this," she said finally, standing up abruptly.

You followed her outside, where she leaned against a wall and took a deep breath. "I hate this," she said, her voice shaking slightly.

" I just want to be able to have a normal date with you."

You nodded sympathetically, reaching out to take her hand.

"We'll figure something out," you said.

"I'm just happy to be with you."

Sana gave you a grateful smile and squeezed your hand.

"Let's go somewhere quiet," she said.

"Somewhere where we can be alone."

You racked your brain for a quiet spot in the city, and finally, an idea came to you. "I know a place," you said.

"It's a cliff overlooking the ocean. It's not too far from here."

Sana's eyes lit up. "Lead the way,"

You took Sana's hand and led her through the winding streets of the city, the crowds thinning out as you got farther away from the tourist areas. Finally, you arrived at the cliff, a small, secluded spot with a stunning view of the ocean.

Sana let out a gasp of amazement as she took in the view.

"This is perfect," she said, turning to you with a smile.

You both sat down on the grass, the waves crashing below you. Sana apologized nervously, saying that she felt like she had ruined the date. But you just leaned your head on her shoulder, saying that any moment spent with her was a good time.

Sana smiled at that and picked up her guitar. "I have something I want to play for you," she said.

"It's a song I wrote about when we first met..."

As she began strumming her guitar, you closed your eyes, laying down and putting your head on her thighs

As the sun sets in, you calmly rest as the sounds of waves crashing and your soon to be lovers tunes play in your ears.

You really did miss her..

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