Ella. (Her.) 💕(Pt.1)

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TW's// none! light angst?//

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TW's// none! light angst?//

You had always been captivated by the vibrant energy of your college campus. The bustling streets, the colorful buildings, and the lively music that filled the air in Cartagena, Colombia made you feel alive.

But today, something was different. As you strolled through the campus, you heard a soft, romantic melody being played on a guitar. Curiosity piqued, you followed the sound until you found a small crowd gathered around a girl who looked to be in her early twenties. The girl had long black hair, almond-shaped eyes, and Asian features, but she was singing in fluent Spanish.

You were mesmerized by the girl's performance. Her voice was soft, yet powerful, and every note she played on her guitar seemed to reverberate through your entire body. The girl's eyes were closed, lost in the music, and you couldn't help but wonder what she was feeling in that moment.

"Ojos negros, piel canela. Que me llegan a desesperar.." She sang as she strummed the final chord in her guitar.

As the girl finished her song, the small crowd clapped and cheered. You waited for the others to disperse before approaching the girl. You shyly introduced herself and asked the girl about her music, but the girl simply smiled and handed her a rose.

You were taken aback. You had expected the girl to be more forthcoming, but instead, she had given you a beautiful red rose.

"The names Sana." she spoke in a warm tone, her voice smooth like honey.

As you held the rose in your hand, you noticed that Sana had already begun to pack up her guitar and leave.

"Wait!" you called out. "Can I walk with you?"

Sana smiled and nodded, as you began to walk together. You asked her about her music again, and Sana explained that she had grown up in Colombia, but her parents had immigrated from Japan. She had spent her childhood learning Spanish and playing the guitar, and her love for both had stayed with her.

You both talked about everything from music to your favorite foods as you walked along the campus. You had found yourself drawn to Sana's calm and collected demeanor. It was as if nothing could faze her.

As you reached a fork in the road, Sana stopped and handed you another rose, this one white. "Thank you for talking with me," she said, her voice soft.

You were about to say something in return, but Sana had already turned and started walking away. You watched as Sana disappeared into the crowd, feeling a twinge of sadness.

Over the next few days, You found yourself looking for Sana wherever you went. You walked around campus, hoping to catch a glimpse of her performing again, but she was nowhere to be found. You even asked around, but nobody seemed to know who she was.

Days turned into weeks, and you began to lose hope of ever seeing Sana again. You couldn't stop thinking about her, though. Every time you saw a rose, you were  reminded of the beautiful girl who strummed her guitar with such passion, her beautiful accent as she sang giving you butterflies in your stomach.

One day, as you were walking to class, you saw a girl with a familiar profile. Not sure at first, but as you got closer, you quickly  recognized Sana. She was sitting alone on a bench, playing her guitar quietly.

"Hey," you said softly, not wanting to startle her.

Sana looked up and smiled. "Hi."

They sat together on the bench, listening to the sounds of the campus around them. you couldn't believe your luck. You had finally found Sana again, and this time, you weren't going to let her slip away.

As you talked, you realized that Sana was everything you had ever wanted in a person. She was kind, thoughtful, and talented. It was as if you were two pieces of a puzzle that fit perfectly together.

Days turned into weeks, and you and Sana's friendship grew stronger. Spending hours talking about everything and anything, you had found yourself looking forward to seeing the guitarist every day.

One afternoon, as you were walking along the beach, Sana stopped and turned. "There's something I have to tell you," she said, her voice serious.

"What is it?" you asked, concerned.

Sana took a deep breath. "I'm leaving," she said, her eyes downcast.

"Leaving?" you repeated, feeling a lump form in your throat.

"Yes," Sana said, looking up at you. "I have to go back to Japan. My family needs me."

You felt as though the wind had been knocked out of you. You had grown so accustomed to having Sana around that the thought of her leaving was unbearable.

"When do you have to leave?" you asked, trying to keep your voice steady.

"In two weeks," Sana replied. "I wish I could stay longer, but I have to go."

You couldn't bear the thought of saying goodbye. You had come to mean so much to her in such a short amount of time.

"I don't want you to go," you said, your voice breaking.

Sana reached out and took your hand. "I don't want to go either," she said softly. "But I have to."

You knew deep down that Sana was right. You couldn't keep her from her family, no matter how much you wanted to.

The next two weeks passed in a blur. You and Sana spent as much time together as you guys  could, but the shadow of Sana's impending departure hung over you  both like a dark cloud.

On the day Sana was leaving, you went to the airport to say goodbye. Your eyes watered as you watched as Sana disappeared behind the security checkpoint, feeling as though a part of you had been ripped away.

As you walked back to your dorm room, You couldn't help but wonder if you would ever see Sana again. You had given her a piece of your heart, and you weren't  sure if you would ever get it back.

Endless days turned into weeks, and you tried to move on with life. You went to class, hung out with friends, and even went on a few dates. But no matter what you did, couldn't stop thinking about the black haired guitarist.

Months passed by and all she became was a blur in your memories, slowly forgetting about her sweet melodies and how her beautiful features softened as she strummed her guitar.

That was until you heard a familiar song play on the radio..

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