Chapter 26

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Meantime at Hogwarts

POV Sebastian

"Mister Sallow, if you won't pay attention, you will most likely fail your exam!" Sharp exclaims, noticing that my mind is elsewhere.

But how can it not? Penelope and Imalda haven't returned yesterday, Merlin knows what could have happened to them. Trolls? Goblins? An accident? What if she is hurt? What if she needs help? Where is she?

"You are worried about girls, aren't you?" Garreth finds himself near me. He looks tired, most likely he didn't get a chance to sleep, just like me.

"Penelope can protect herself, but I just... I just can't stop thinking about her!" I whisper, cutting some leaves for whatever we are brewing, "It is impossible to focus about anything else."

"Aunt...Professor Weasley told me that she has people searching for them. She believes that something from the Forbidden Forrest could have lured them in, but she's sure that they both are alive and well." He sighs, flipping the page of a textbook, "Frankly, it's the only thing that helps me get through the day..."


We continue our work in silence.

"That's...excellent mister Weasley and Mister Sallow, your potion is dreadful. I suggest you spend more time studying." Professor's comment makes me want to punch him.

"I wish I could, but I am way too busy scrabbing numerous cauldrons for hours during your detention." Maybe that reply wasn't worth it, but I don't care. He will stop getting them when he starts being reasonable.

"Minus ten points from Slytherin for talking back and minus fifteen for being unable to tell the difference between dittany and lupine. Class dismissed!"

Isn't that great? Nellie goes missing, I am awful in subject that I need to become an Auror, I made my house lose points...

I just want her back...

"Hey man, you are terrible, aren't you?" Garreth puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Oh, please fuck off..." I whisper.

"There is no need to be rude, I just want to help. I've been watching you when we were studying, and also Imelda told me...well, basically Imelda told me that you are struggling with potions. You know, I could help you..."

"Why?" I ask, maybe too harsh.

"Let me be nice. I want to tutor you for potions because it would bring joy to the girls if they found out that we are at least neutral to each other." He answers in the same manner I asked him.

I am terrible though, while Garreth is known to be a good tutor. Maybe his company is what I need to get my head out of Penelope's disappearance, otherwise I will go mad...

"Fine. Sorry for being rude earlier, I...I'm just stressed out about Penelope."

"It's okay, I understand." He sighs, "Meet me in an hour near the Summoner's court! And bring Ominis with you, I believe he needs assistance as well!" He says right before disappearing in the crowd.

"It's easy. You just slightly push the end of your knife before putting down the rest of it, and it goes smoothly." Garreth says, demonstrating the way to cut some nut or shell, I'm not sure.

I try to do as he says, but the thing goes off and lands right on Ominis' book. He gave up on brewing something long time ago, and now just tries to memorize recipes in hope that it will help him.

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