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The soothing pounding of the train wheels on the way to Ardbrek marks the successful end of the school year. All exams passed without any problems, Slytherin has the House Cup. Even Quidditch has been promised back next year.

I'm reading one of the books I 'borrowed' from the Grants, something about the origins of ancient magic and its possibilities. So far, the feeling is mixed - like I know everything written, and like everything is presented from a different angle. Anyway, it's an interesting read.

Sebastian is reading some adventure novel. He is lying on my knees, and from time to time I sneak a peek at his expression. The way he laughs sometimes warms my heart. Finally, I feel like we are normal.

After we exited that cave we vowed to never get into something like this year's events willingly. Whatever the future is preparing for us – we will take a more serious, 'right' approach.

"Ominis said that he'll come in July." Sebastian speaks up.

"Will he be in time for my birthday?" I ask.

"He should be. He also said that he will come to Hogwarts with us, so that he doesn't miss my and Anne's birthday as well."

"That's good to hear."

We enjoy silence for some time. I don't know what is going on in Sebastian's head, but mine is preoccupied with one thing I wanted to say for the last month.


"Yes, dearest?"

"I love you too."

POV Author

Deep in the night, two suspicious figures stand on the shore of the lake. The subject of their observation is two dead bodies. Unpleasant, swollen, green, with bulging eyes. Two of the nastiest offshoots of the great family tree.

"She is lucky we found them before the Ministry."

"She is. I put great effort into hiding her deeds from the Ministry, it's a pity she doesn't appreciate it."

"You must do it, otherwise our plan would not be successful, and we will end like the Grants, or worse..."

"We've been watching her much longer than they did."

"It doesn't lessen Parker's powers. I tried warning them, I tried making them go less straight way, but you know how it can be with ancient bloodlines."

"You rushed them."

"Because they could lose a perfect opportunity!"

"It doesn't matter now, does it? Grants are dead, Parker is growing stronger every day and her lover... he is a bright boy. With each day..."

"...It is getting clearer and clearer that we must take the matter in our own hands."


Obsession || Sebastian Sallow x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें