Chapter 24

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I come back to my senses in some dark room. My hands and legs are not tied, but it's not like I have anywhere to run. The place I mistook for a room is a cave with no exit but considering the boxes and the chests that are in here, it is possible to access it not from a big hole in the ceiling.

I take my time to look around. There are no signs of Imelda anywhere. The walls are rocky, but wet, making it impossible to climb them. There are no vines as well, and that lets me make a conclusion that the entry is hidden behind some bizarre riddle.

Out of frustration, I use Bombarda on one of the big stones, and that reveals an almost invisible ladder that I take to go beneath the cave.

The identity of our kidnapper is a mystery to me. Considering the way that everything is built, I am clearly in a place that is inhabited by goblins, but I'm sure that the person who made me and Imelda pass out was a witch or a wizard, sneaky enough for me not to notice them.

The ladder leads me to a long mine with rails and several minecarts here and there, proving that my theory about goblins was right. While I think wherever should I go, several voices appear in the distance. Putting on an invisibility spell, I lie in one of the minecarts and wait for the voices to fade in the distance. Or should I kill them? Yes, I think that would be more convenient, but I must hear what they say first.

"...have the Keeper, will Ranrok stop?" The first voice says, a goblin commander I believe.

"Of course not. As far as I'm concerned, the ancient magic is just a part of a bigger plan that inconveniently took longer than he expected." The other voice answers, most likely an advisor.

"But if we already lost much time, why would we need the second girl? Miss..." Fuck, I couldn't hear the name thanks to the wind. Why is there a wind in a mineshaft? "...never explained it."

"Why would she explain it to a warrior? Your job is to do orders, not question Ranrok's plans!"

"Fine, fine...By the way, I've made such a good soup recently, my soldiers..."

Enough of this.

"Avada Kedavra! Levioso!" I jump from my shelter, killing the commander and sparing another one.

"You! How did you get out? Put me down this instant!" An advisor shouts.

"You want me to put you down? As you say." I answer in a sarcastic tone, "Descendo! Aresto Momentum!"

The duration of the second spell is long enough for me to conjure the ropes and tie the goblin down. I look around and, after the evaluation of my surroundings, decide to hide the corpse and bring the (yet) alive goblin to the cave I found myself in.

"Ugh! Let me go! Do you know..."

"I don't know anything. And that's why you're here." I say, throwing him somewhere in the corner, "Listen to me. Either you tell me all about why I'm in this place, why my friend is here and where is she, who took us and how to get out of here or...let's say you will envy your dead friend in that minecart."

"I will not tell you anything! Let me go or else!"

"Or else what? You will stare me to death?" I chuckle. It is time for a pain giving spell which I gladly apply.

Watching this goblin go into convulsions gives me a strange sense of satisfaction. Unfortunately for him, he doesn't get any more talkative, so I throw a couple more Crucio, until he agrees to my terms.

"You...were brought one of our allies..." The goblin starts, breathing heavily, "It is a of your classmates...She tricked you and your friend into the forest to capture you... and then make you do what Ranrok wants by torturing...your friend..."

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