Chapter 20

273 13 33

POV Penelope

We've decided to perform the ritual in the forest, where there is less chance for us to be caught by villagers and more moonlight. Anne claimed she knows just the place and is leading us there now. She forbade Sheila from going with us, stating that her presence is completely unnecessary.

We are only left to hope that she was right.

"How much longer?" Sebastian asks. She helps Anne walk since her cone is useless in such environment.

"We are almost there." She answers.

We walk to the spacious lawn with several stones lying here and there.

Anne drinks the potion, so do I. I can't find the words to describe its taste, but it's something in between salty and bitter. Anne's potion probably tastes the same, considering the face she made.

"Let's get this over with." I say.

Sebastian walks behind the tree to maintain the distance. Anne stands still, or at least that's the most she could do, while I get into the stance.

I start pronouncing the incantation. It is long, complicated - it took me several tries to read it completely, let alone learn how to pronounce it clearly and learn it. But all the training paid off – I say it without stuttering, pointing my wand at Anne.

Suddenly, something unexpected happened. Of course, there had to be a catch...

I feel magic like I've never did before. It's rushing through my veins, coursing through every cell of my body, signifying that it's here - and there's plenty of it. I can feel it all gathering in my hand, the one holding the wand, and bursting right out at Anne.

She and Sebastian must have seen nothing – but I sure did. A huge stream of burgundy substance rushed straight at Ann, penetrating her, and then returning back to my body, breaking the curse along the way. It is as if a new door has opened in me - I feel that I am filled with some unknown, but pleasant power, the one that has always been in there, but was shut behind morals and unawareness.

I can do fucking everything.

Was it the ritual that provoked it? The Darkest Magic must open the darkest sides of a person's mind, power, abilities...Maybe it has opened to me now because I let it do so? Because I decided that learning the Darkest Spells will do me no harm, because I decided that I need them, because...

...because I was obsessed with the idea of being able to wield them and use them in my own interests?

"Anne!" Sebastian exclaims, making me get back to the real world.

He has a reason to be happy. Anne stands perfectly still, her skin is gaining back color, showing that there are freckles, as well as on Sebastian's face.

"Sebastian...I feel better! It worked! I can't believe it!" She and Sebastian hug each other laughing. It's a pleasure to see them like this – finally happy and free.


A huge stone flies through the lawn, thankfully not hurting anyone. A troll walks in, accompanied by a whole army of goblins.

What are they doing here? How did they find out? Why are they attacking us? What the hell is going on?

The last question is especially relevant. Spells, stones – everything is flying everywhere, once peaceful place turned into a complete chaos.

Sebastian sends Anne to get help, leaving me and him to fight the fucking army.

That's where I understand that either they kill us, or we kill them. I don't hold back anymore – the Killing Curse must be the one I use the most frequently, and I must say that it comes out with ease, just like the least complicated spells. Sebastian, on the other hand, is stuck with Confringo and other well-known spells. Surprising, considering the situation we are at.

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