Chapter 25

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Deep breath.


Wand at ready.

Forget about everything.

You will have time for it later.

End this shit now.

"Avada Ked...ohh..."

When I am just about to cast the Killing Curse some force throws into the wall. My head immediately feels dizzy, and I think I broke something...I've never been damaged in a duel before, why now?

"Not so special now, are you, Parker?" Sharlene asks, "How do you like the taste of your own medicine?"

"What was that?" I ask, trying to get up.

"Oh, it was nothing, just a little trick you did to my soldiers way to many times." Ranrok speaks, while Sharlene comes closer to me and holds my head so that I could see Imelda, "You are so predictable, it is almost amusing that you have so much honor left to come and safe your friend."

"Let her go."

"I won't even think about it. You don't realise the trouble you created for me. Everything was perfect, but you had to be stubborn enough to ruin my plans, and you think that I will let your friend go? I could consider it, though...We could discuss how she will watch you die after I take that power from you, or..."

"I don't negotiate with...AGH!" Sharlene, as if knowing that I am close to regaining my strength, hits my head against the wall.

"You will give me what is rightfully mine." Ranrok's attitude makes me more and more infuriated. "The power you stole belongs to me, and the longer you refuse, the longer your dear friend..." he puts out a knife and makes a deep cut on Imelda's arm, "...will suffer before her inevitable death."

Imelda is almost unconscious, I doubt that she understands even a half of what is going on. Still, she slightly shakes her head and mouths:

"Help..." And that was the last straw before I lose control of myself and my emotions.




Destroy them all.


I will make Ranrok suffer even more than that fucking boy I threw off the tree.

I grab Sharlene's leg and my mind immediately illustrates a, ten thousands needles digging in her skin, making her collapse on the floor in agony. Pain magic, my loyal ally, does nothing but that. The fight with Ranrok awaits me, and I won't stop until he's dead.

I wait for him to take out a wand and that is his next move. I don't know who he got it from, but I'm sure that a wand in arms of a goblin can be dangerously impulsive. However, Ranrok seems to control it perfectly fine, and that creates a problem.

I cast a defensive charm, which blocks whatever he blows at me. The sound of colliding spells echoes through the cave. The camp was only ruins of its former scale - tents burning, weapons scattered everywhere, and their owners gone. Perhaps they're watching the battle from somewhere, but they're not joining in, probably under cover of Ranrok's orders though I'm sure it's just cowardice.

The goblin dodges the attack and retaliates with a quick series of strikes. Despite that I am able to deflect them, I understand that my outburst of energy has its limits. If I don't take more drastic measures, he will easily take me over.

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