Chapter 7

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After the most delicious pumpkin soup I've ever eaten Sheila decided to reminisce and show everyone twin's child photos.

"So, here is their first bath..." She points out to a picture of two babies, splashing in a small basin. One of them looks happy, while the other seems to be about to cry, "...Sebastian never liked baths, while Anne always enjoyed splashing him...Oh, and here we have them on their second birthday. I remember that day – Sebastian took his father's wand and started swirling it around causing his mother's favorite rug to burn. Parents were sad, of course, but at least we have a funny story to tell..."

Sebastian looks absolutely embarrassed. He sits in an armchair, covering his face with his hands.

"Aunt Sheila, I'm sure Penelope is already bored with these photos..."

"Oh no, quite the opposite. I find looking at them quite enjoyable." I smile, watching Sebastian give me a death stare.

"Penelope, would you like to go a walk? I know a shop that sells gorgeous attires." I haven't noticed Anne's appearance.

"I will go with you." Sebastian stands up, looking for a chance to escape from the photo album.

"No, Sebastian, we are going window shopping and I am sure that Penelope would like to purchase something. And she would obviously want to try something on – you wouldn't want to see her half-decent, would you?" Anne stares mockingly at Sebastian, while he sits back, sniffing.

Anne and I are going to the shop she has been talking about. We walk slowly – Anne has to use a cane and generally can't walk fast.

"You've been meaning to talk with me about something?" I try to start a conversation.

"Yes, it is about Sebastian. I know that you two are close, and he looks up to you a lot." She frowns, "I also know that you encouraged him to take and study the relic and that you casted Crucio on him to get to Slytherin's Scriptorium. And that you wanted to learn the curse." She stops and looks me straight in the eye, "I believe that your intentions are good, but I can sense that your approach is questionable."

"Anne, I promise, I mean no harm to Sebastian or you, or any of my friends." I say as we continue walking.

"But what about the ones you don't care about? Listen, I consider you a nice person, I have a reason to think so and I don't care what you think of the dark magic, but please keep Sebastian out of it. Ominis can't always be there for him and, well, I think your bond is of different kind. He will listen to you, I'm sure of it. Please, I don't want to lose him."

I sigh.

"I see what I can do."

"Thank you."

The shop where Anne took me looks absolutely stunning. I haven't seen such beautiful dresses ever in my life and the urge to try them all on is odd to me, but pleasant.

"Welcome to Ardbrek's Gowns, how can I help you ladies?"

"I-I would like to try some of the dresses..." I start, feeling the most unconfident I've ever did.

"Sure, which ones?"

"The green one...and the pink...and that pair of shoes...and some pearls maybe..."

Anne chuckles.

"You've never gone shopping, haven't you?"

"Just for supplies. Almost all the clothes I have are hand-me-downs from the orphanage I used to live in."

Obsession || Sebastian Sallow x ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora