Chapter 29

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I take a deep breath and try to calm my racing thoughts. I know this is the moment I have been preparing for, and I am determined to do my best.

As I read through first question, I feel a wave of panic wash over me.

"Explain the intricacies of the spell 'Fidelius Charm' and provide a detailed analysis of its limitations and potential vulnerabilities."

I know the answer. I am sure of it, but I just can't remember it. I try to re-read the question, but the words seemed to blur on the page.

"Miss Parker, are you ready?" An examinator from the Ministry asks.

"No...not yet...I..."

"Ugh...fine, but please be quick. You won't be sitting there forever. Mister Sallow, what about..."

"I'm ready, sir." Sebastian gets up from his seat to hand in his paper and demonstrate his skills.

We haven't been talking since that little incident in the Room of Requirement. We did study together and asked each other how we were doing, but never really talked. I understand that I hurt him, but so did he, and...well, we've been way to busy in preparation to discuss the matter.

I can swear that he saw my struggles.

"Excellent, Mister Sallow..." The examinator nods approvingly, "Please, proceed to the back room to get your practical skills evaluated."

Oh, he will do just fine. As for me...

Fidelius Charm, Fidelius Charm... Something about hiding something.

I start writing the answer, but I'm not sure of a single word.

Sebastian exits the back room, wide smile on his face. I almost cry out of frustration – I bet he got easy question.

He walks towards the door, passing my desk. When he almost touches it, I hear him whisper.


He disappears, but a single word is enough for me to recall out studies, this spell specifically.

"Sir, I'm ready!" I raise up my hand and give the examinator scribbled sheet of paper. He looks through it thoroughly, but in the end says:

"Impressive, Miss Parker, it was a tough one."

In the back room there are a man and a woman.

The male examiner is a tall and imposing figure with a stern expression etched onto his face. He has a rugged look about him, with sharp features and a closely cropped beard. He carries himself with a no-nonsense attitude and seems to take great pleasure in catching any mistakes made by the students.

In contrast, the female examiner is much more approachable. She has a warm smile and kind eyes, she kind of reminds me of professor Garlick. Her hair is pulled back in a loose bun, and she wears a simple blouse and skirt.

"Parker, eh...?" The man speaks.

"Yes, si..."

"You are the one who got enrolled this year, aren't you?" The man looks at me, "You what, have someone at the Ministry, or a wealthy family? How did they let you..."

"Oh, please, don't listen to him." The woman speaks up, "He is just grumpy because the last student did the spell better than he thought he would."

Of course, he did, it is Sebastian Sallow. If only these two really knew what he was capable of...

"Shielding Charm, Disarming Charm and..." The man starts giving me the task.

"The Flipping Charm!" The woman interrupts him again.

I take a deep breath and focus on the task at hand. I know these spells, I have practiced them countless times and in numerous occasions. Frankly, I could do them in my sleep.

But enough bragging. I raise my wand and perform the Shielding Charm flawlessly, creating a protective barrier around myself. Next, I perform the Disarming Charm, successfully disarming the man. Finally, I perform the Flipping Charm, causing the dummy to do a somersault in the air.

The male examiner looks impressed, but still maintains his stoic expression. The female examiner claps her hands in delight.

"Well done, Miss Parker!" She exclaims, "You have a natural talent."

"Thank you, ma'am." I say, feeling a sense of pride in myself.

The examiners confer with each other for a moment before turning back to me.

"You may leave now, Miss Parker." The female examiner smiles warmly at me, "Good luck with your future endeavors."

"Hey, how did it go for you?" Poppy asks when she sees me after exam.

"Practice went better that theory." I start, mindfully enjoying a sweet sense of relief, "If it weren't for Sebastian I would have not done it. How did it go for you?"

"Good. Just good. Frankly, I just want to forget everything that has to do with that exam and go back home."


Poppy's look is concerned. It looks like she wants to ask me something but hesitates.

"Poppy, what's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing, really..." she sighs, "It's been a tough year, wasn't it?"

"You could say so, I didn't really think about it"

"It's just... You lost a mentor and a friend, and all that business with Ranrok...I just can't imagine how you are still able to hold yourself after everything...."

"I don't need pity, Poppy" I stop her, "I appreciate your concern, I do, but I don't want people telling me how sorry they are for my problems. It's not personal, I just find it harder for me to stay focused when everyone keeps bringing up the latest events".

"I understand. Please, don't go too hard on yourself and have a good summer." Poppy answers with a smile.

Just when she leaves, I see a glimpse of something orange in the corridor.

There is no way, is it? There is no way that bitch sneaked in during exams, with all the Ministry workers on the ground.

Or did she?

Before I can think rationally, I find myself following a mysterious red-haired person, who leads me deeper and deeper into the forest, disappearing somewhere underneath.

As I make my way through the crumbling ruins of some house, I spot a small entrance leading down into a dark, foreboding cave. The entrance is hidden amidst the overgrown vines and trees that have taken over the ruins, as if the cave itself is deliberately trying to remain hidden from prying eyes.

When I enter the cave, I feel an immediate drop in temperature, and the musty smell of damp earth fills my nostrils. The darkness is almost complete, and I can barely see beyond the reach of my wand. The cave twists and turns, leading me deeper into the earth, and I can't shake the feeling that something is watching me from the shadows. Perhaps it's the rustling of small creatures, or perhaps it's my imagination, but I can't help feeling a growing sense of unease.

"Did you miss me?" A cold voice roams from the distance, echoing. Sharlene Grant is here, but unfortunately for her, I'm not scared. Just thirsty for her blood, that's it.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"Nothing big, my dear." A woman walks out from the darkness. Something tells me that she is Sharlene's mother, "Just for you to pay up your debt."

Obsession || Sebastian Sallow x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz