25: Old Memories

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Song: So Fly- NB Ridaz
Maybe, Forever was a word meant for memories, and not people.

Miles's POV:

Christmas was one of the best holidays I've had since my mom passed, and New Year's takes second place so far. Well, minus the fact things are weird between Kenzie and I. Thankfully though, neither Dravon nor Eli have picked up on the fact that it's weird between us.

And speaking of Dravon and Eli, they are leaving me alone tonight with both kids. I am mortified to be left alone with them, but I also feel blessed because two of my best friends trust me to watch their most prized possession.

"Miles! Hello? Are you listening?" Dravon asks from next to me, and I snap out of my thoughts. I hum letting him know that I am listening. "No sugar after seven since you're alone with them, no Mortal Kombat, we'd prefer if you made them an actual meal, and bed no later than eleven." He tells me, and I nod.

"Dude, this isn't my first rodeo. I know how to take care of them. You've seen me do it a million times." I tell him, and he sighs.

"I know. I just feel bad because we're leaving you alone with them. Kenz is working, Eli's going to his grandparents for the weekend, and I'm going out on the one night my mom was supposed to be off. Next time, you and Kenzie are going out. We all deserve a break." He stated, and I nod.

"Yeah yeah. Go. I got this, have fun. If anything happens I'll call you. You have the same rules as Kenzie." I mention the last part so he'll shut up about it, and he nods.

"Okay, I'm leaving. I'll see you later, and I won't be drunk." He promises, and I nod. We both know he's lying, but I'll have faith in him.

He leaves, and the two five year olds run into the living room. "Mil! Did everyone leave?" Jazzy asks sadly, and I nod.

"Yeah. Kenzie had work, Eli was going to his grandparents, and your brother wanted to go see some friends. Dravon will be back later, Eli will be back Sunday night, and Kenzie will be back in the morning." I tell her, and she nods.

"Does that mean you're watching us by yourself?" Kinsler asks, and I nod. "Yay! This is going to be fun." He states, and I laugh.

"It will be, but we can't play Mortal Kombat, you two can't have sugar after seven, we're getting Fazoli's for dinner, and lastly the latest you guys can stay up is eleven." I tell them what I've been told at least ten times tonight.

"Okay! Means we can play for a longer time." Jazzy says, and Kinsler nods. "Well, what do you have planned? I know Dravon usually plans what we do." Jazzy says matter of factly, and I drop my head.

"I don't know what we're going to do, but I'll come up with something for us to do okay? Go play so I can think in peace." I tell her, and I could basically hear her as she rolls her eyes. "And don't roll your eyes at me, little girl." I tell her, and she giggles.

"How do you know that I rolled my eyes?" She asks, and I look at her.

"I just know. Now go play." I tell her again, she laughs, and runs off to Kinsler's room.

When she's gone, I think of what I could do to keep them entertained, and come up blank. What exactly do five year olds like to do? We could play board games, but I bet they'd get bored fast. Puzzles? No they'd lose the pieces. I google things for five year olds to do, and come up with a few ideas.

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