Any doctor would tell you, that to become the best in your field, you have to gain the experience and knowledge in the field. 

That is why I decided to stay up to 6 months, or a year at most in each country to gain the expertise, because each country teach differently and come with different opportunities to learn new skills. 

Traveling to some of the poorest to do surgeries for free, also to some of the richest countries gaining a wealth of knowledge doing so.

I have been to countries no doctor would prefer to go to due to the poverty, but what they don't realize is that you gain the most experience in those places. 

I have also been approached by many rich people that would hire me where doctors either refused or didn't want to take the risk. 

Which brings me to my next challenge. I have been contacted by a hospital at home one month prior, to come and help with a few special cases for the next six months.

They want me on a permanent basis, but I declined because want to live my life and not be tied down. I want to dictate my own path, that's why I only work on a consultancy basis. 

How could I refuse being near my family? I jumped at the opportunity because I feel that I've gained enough knowledge and experience to be able to settle in one place, and which better place then home?

And before you say it's an opportunity to make more money, my parents are wealthy, but my world does not revolve around wealth. 

They never flaunt their wealth and always made sure we are aware of how hard they earned their money.

I have two brothers, to which I'm the middle child of.  Chase is 29 who took over from dad last year when he retired.

Daniel is 24 and an Engineer, also for the family business and serves as one of the directors.

Then myself who is 25, turning 26 soon.

All of us are single as can be. Chase doesn't have time to date and Daniel is too much of a nerd to attempt to ask a girl out.

Me on the other hand, I don't believe in relationships because I won't be able to trust anyone....ever, besides my family. 

All of us still lives at home and dad made sure to build a huge house out of the city on a 14 acre piece of land, and for everyone to have their own separate living quarters. We don't mind because we love them. 

I finished adding notes and signing the last file then proceeded to head out to the nurse's station to get Ingrid. As soon as she saw me she followed me to room 208, where the patient resides.

"Are you excited to see your family" she asked.

"I cant wait. It's been six months too long" I said as we headed to the elevator.

I will surely miss you" she said, making me glance over in her direction seeing the emotional side that she always tend to show me.

I get attached to no-one besides my family, but i do get comfortable enough to have a conversation with them and this nurse is one of them.

"I have to say, I've worked in a lot of countries and have met some cruel, heartless people in this field, but you have a heart of gold. Please protect it" I say as I face the front entering the lift with her following behind with a shocked expression. This was the first time she saw me giving a human like response.

I can see from the corner of my eyes, her wiping the glossiness from her eyes "I knew there was a person with a heart inside that body" she says while chuckling at her own comment.

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