he said, she said, he ran away with her

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today has not been a good brain day for me
my friend almost died
and im sitting on the floor wondering
if drake still loves me
my friend almost died
and im the second person they call
after getting out the hospital
and im wondering if drake hates me
for hanging up the phone because i
wanted to make sure alex was okay
i don't want to think about it
my friend almost died
and im wondering if im even going to
pass the classes that i have left
after giving up on the one thing that made me
who i am today
my friend almost died
and im stuck in stupid drama
of he said she said she ran off with him
and im caught in the middle of it
because of something that i said he said to her
who told her who told him who is angry at me
and now they're all mad at each other
and im sure on some level they all hate me
all because i couldn't keep my damn mouth shut
and today my friend almost died
and instead im looking for ways to run away
im wanting to cut my hair off
and change my name
and run away from the mess ill leave behind
i am sure my friend almost died
and im being the most selfish human being alive
and running away from my problems
instead of turning around to fade them

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