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it's the hundreds of little rejections

over and over and over

well two can play at this game

something broke in me

the day that you told me

i took up too much space

by simply existing

and that being a person

was your worst nightmare

and so the little heart that i had

begging to be loved

finally chose its fate

and realized that there was more than this

i should not have to fight

for your love and approval

i should not have to fight

to be loved

i should not have to change 

for the likes of you

tell me you're embarrassed of me again

tell me you're scared that i'll ruin your reputation

i fucking dare you

give me a good reason

to walk away

make one more mistake

i dare you

i am no one's liability

i give you no reason to stay

leave if you want

don't leave me hanging

if you don't want me

then fucking leave

i don't have the courage to 

because i want that life

with you so badly

so i'll do the cowardly thing

and leave bit by bit

until you no longer recognize me

as the girl you loved

i don't need you anymore

watch me disappear

into the sunrise

if you chose to chase me

you'd better give me

a good reason to turn around

and it must start 

with an apology

what you've done

gradually letting the blood

has become an unhealable scar

and until you start licking my wounds

i don't think i can forgive you

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