nightstand in the back

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the ex girlfriend
had a tantalizing fantasy

his phone lit up
on the nightstand
in the back

his woman twisted
beside him
her long curly locks
falling loosely
in his arms

he reached for the phone
and on it was a foreign number
and he answered it
with curiosity

in the phone call
he heard sweet talk
directed at his dozing woman
asking for the night she
promised him over text

in anger he places the phone down
shakes the girl to wake her
a boil of treacherous fire
simmering up from his feet
and into his brain
into his heart

she awakes with a start
confused and broken
wondering what she had ever done
all she had ever been was faithful

they didn't realize
that another girl across the world
had a phone and a number
she now used as a weapon
as revenge for the heartbreak
that once ravaged her life

she never did it though
but the thought of it
seemed ever so slightly tempting
when the emotions surfaced again
and pettiness trumped all reason

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