honeymoon phase

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My roommate looked at me today 

And asked me how we were doing.

I said I hadn't seen you in a while

And our relationship is a lot of 

Touch and go. 

She seemed to think about this

And responded with,

"You guys are out of the 

Honeymoon stage now, aren't you?"

I laughed as if it were a joke,

Like honeymoon phase?

Bitch, it's been two years.

Honeymoon phase ended

Several eons ago.

But in a way, she was right.

In our honeymoon phase,

We wouldn't have cared so much

About grades on engineering midterms

Or that lab professor we hate so much

Or that everything seems to be falling apart

With our family, our friends

Our school, our lives

You wouldn't have seen me

Crying on the shower floor

But you damn sure would have

Asked about it and 

Made sure I was okay

And now we call

Once a day

To make sure the other 

Is still alive

And wish each other the best

As we suffer through

What they're calling 

And what we're praying

Is the worst of it

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