Hello readers

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Before you rotten-tomato me, please hear me out.

I am considering discontinuing this story. 

I had started this story as an outlet to my own fantasies, but somehow during this crucial year in my life, during which I could not publish, I seem to have outgrown this writing.

If you are invested in the story, please let me know. I will read this again, make edits and then start publishing again. If not, I will scrap this and start a newer, better fanfic.

A big thank you to all those who made it to this point, you really gave me the confidence to write what I wanted to write!

I really enjoyed this first ever writer-reader interaction and enjoyed reading your comments!!

I promise to improve my writing and bring better content into this world!!

Lastly, I love you whether you take the effort to comment here or not:)

And please do check out the first part of  "Reincarnated as a Luna" if you enjoy reading werewolf fiction and reincarnation stories, and let me know what you think!!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2023 ⏰

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