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It was too early for confrontation. 

So I did the most intelligent thing I'd ever done. I left.

I understood that the farewells were never going to get over, so I just had to leave with a feeling of incompletion.

The ones I was seeking, they were clever, usually. But I didn't know how clever they could be when the prey became the predator.

I found out about their whereabout with a little help from Suzume and Thunder. Easy Peasy.

The real task was to get near them unnoticed.

The ability to hide,

Is an Archer's Pride.


"Found men. East."

I heard Suzume's message. I slowed down my pace to a trot and eventually stopped when I smelt them. My mood instantly darkened at the familiar yet unpleasant scent.

I concealed my presence and slowly creeped towards the gathering.

I was dying to try out my new move, but I had to find a perfect spot before that.

My perfect spot was waiting upon a tall bushy tree, which gave me a good view of them, but they couldn't see me.

Well, if I was a regular person, it would be too far for me to aim properly.

Just as I was about to start preparing, I saw something that made me freeze.

Wildflower(Zoro x OC)Where stories live. Discover now