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I remembered kenshi looking confused when I asked to talk to him. Sighing, I rehearsed what I had to tell him.

" Kenshi- no, wait,- Roronoa, I'm being chased by unknown people who want to erase my existence. I was afraid they'll hunt you guys because of me, that's why I left. But well, they caught me and... ugh whatever.", I hummed nervously.

"Is that what you were going to say?", his deep voice breathed on my ear.

I turned rapidly, my hair swinging and eyes going wide.

He actually heard all of that!!

" I- you! Why're you sneaking around!", my pitch going higher of embarassment.

Calm down Nala! 

I straightened my back and said," Well, yeah-"

I was suddenly thrust forward and fell facefirst on the ground. Whatever little dignity I was trying to preserve successfully left the face of the earth.

Only after Nami and Sanji picked up the lifeless me, did I understand what was going on.

Someone had overheard our yesterday's conversation, and so the whole crew was hiding inside the crow's nest, curious about us, and I had been leaning on the door.

While the eavesdroppers were trying to make out what was going on, they accidentally toppled me and killed my last attempt at being the dignified Nala.

"Okay, so I'll assume you heard everything too? Well, you can stop making pouty faces now, because I'm not mad, all right? I was gonna tell you guys anyway...coming to think of it," I shot Zoro a quick glance," I was thinking about joining the crew.."

I raised my eyes slowly to meet Luffy's. It was dead silent.

Then suddenly cheers erupted, and relieved, I let go of the breath I didn't realise I was holding. They wanted me here.

"Wait," Luffy said in a grim voice. Everyone grew silent again, waiting for their captain to continue.

"Weren't you already part of the crew?", he continued in a confused tone.

Shit. That scared me.

 I let out a nervous laugh, and mumbled, "Sheesh, and here I thought you were gonna...", unexpectedly a chorus of 'awww's greeted this.

"Nala, you pretend to be this stone girl, and maybe you are for your enemies, but really you are just SO SOFT!" Nami cooed, as if I were a baby.

"That is so not true!" I denied, but I couldn't help smiling at this point.

This was more love than I had gotten in my life. Maybe I really found my home.

But I've got something to do before I can relax.

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