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School had now officially started as it was 12:00. I sat with Cory and Denis and Devon were on a table to our right.

Why would Cory be in my dream?

It's just so random. Obviously I don't think it has any actual meaning. I just think that maybe psychologically it indicates something. Like sure he's attractive but so is Ariana Grande but that doesn't mean I'm attracted to them.

I'm sure it's nothing.

Why is everything so confusing?

Cory : Hey, where's Lexy and Nadine?

Jake : Probably making out somewhere.

He stifled a laugh.

Cory : Is it just me or was Nadine acting... off this morning?

Jake : Yeah, maybe she's just tired of Lexy.

He laughed again. Every time he smiled I'm reminded of that dream.


We were done for the day and Lexy nor Nadine showed up. Thankfully Ruth didn't notice.

Cory : So you wanna go to the Library or?...

Jake : Umm,

I looked over at Devon and he seemed quite content in his own little bubble.

Jake : Sure.

His hand grazed mine slightly. This is awkward. I noticed the rise-in-temperature that attacked without warning and my face turned red.

What is happening to me?!

Cory : Are you okay?

He stared into my eyes with pure concern.

Jake : Yeah.

Cory : You sure? We can always just go to my room where it's quiet and has a bed.

It's quiet? Has a bed? What is he implying? The blush tainting my face yet again.


What the fuck is wrong with me?! I'm fucking disgusting!

Wait... is it THAT bad? Like I'm sure Devon has the hots for Denis but he wouldn't act on them. It's only betrayal if I act on these 'feelings'.

Cory : Are you 100% sure?

Jake : Yeah, you're just scared that I'll read quicker than you!

Cory : Oh, it's on!

He rushed to the library and I let out a breath I wasn't aware I was holding.

Upon arrival I saw him holding a book in his hand.

I read the title first, "The Friend Zone."

Really?! Surely he knows and he's just taunting me.

Then I read the blurb, "Kristen Peterson doesn't do drama, will fight to the death for her friends, and has no room in her life for guys who just don't get her. She's also keeping a big secret: facing a medically necessary procedure that will make it impossible for her to have children."

Jesus. Based on that text alone I can tell that despite her inability to conceive a child she's gonna try.

It's a romance novel. Of course it is. It's about two best-friends who get into a "fender bender" and she has feelings for him.

My dad got me that book to get my "delusions" out of my head.

I never fully-read it though.

Cory : Why are you staring?

Jake : Old memories.

Cory : Okay well I'm bored!

Jake : The library was your idea nerd!

Cory : Well then Chad tell me where you'd like to go.

Jake : I don't know, maybe we should just get back to our rooms.

Cory : Okay!

He put the book away and we walked to our rooms.

Cory : That was short-lived.

We arrived around the corner from our room.

Jake : I'm sorry.

Cory : It's fine.

Without thinking I held his hand.

Jake : I'll make it up to you.

He gulped.

Cory : Jake-

He leaned in and kissed me.

My stomach is exploding with butterflies and my heart with excitement leaving my brain with the fear and guilt.

He realised what he had done.

Cory : Oh my god! I'm so sorry-

Jake : You're good. I'm irresistible, I get it.

Cory : Don't flatter yourself.

Jake : Friends?

Cory : Friends.

We left each other and I entered my room to see Devon with a contagious smile that I used to hide behind from my actions.

Devon : Hey babe! Where were you?

Jake : The Library.

Devon : Oh... read anything good?

Jake : Nothing that's good for me. You however, perfect for me.

He smiled and rolled his eyes.

Devon : Don't even try to "rizz me up". God this generation.

Jake : Oh shut up, you're literally apart of it!

Devon : Unfortunately.

Jake : Well, we have the rest of the day to ourselves...

Devon : Well... when you put it like that...

738 words...

I'M SORRY! DON'T ATTACK ME! Wait, no I'm not?

Jevon Enemies To Lovers - (Jake Wheeler x Devon Evans) // (BXB)Where stories live. Discover now