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Gay Slurs,
Strong Language,


An ENTIRE day sat next to Devon. Even at break. AND TWO HOURS AFTER SCHOOL?! He was right, Jackpot!

It's second period.

Jake : Hey, since we have new lessons what do we have?

Devon : ummm... we have...

Devon reached into his pocket for paper.

Devon : Art?

Jake : Great.

Devon : so wait. We get forced to do lessons that both of us chose because I did not take Art.

Jake : Coolio.

Devon : I guess..

Jake : Where do we have it and with who.

Devon : E6, Mr Parry.

Jake : eh. He's mid.

Devon : Lead the way, Picasso.

I walked in the direction of E6. Devon stuck at my side.

Jake : you're such a sheep and not a shepard.

Devon : Excuse you.

He sped up and walked in front of me.

I chased after him.

He started sprinting and so did I.

I grabbed him from behind and yanked him back so he fell.

Jake : See? Shepard.

I was smug.

He laughed and got up.

Devon : Cheater.

Jake : Sometimes you just have to cut cor-

I toppled over forwards. He tripped me up. That bitch.

He laughed and I was flustered. I just glared and waited for him to stop laughing. He got slightly scared.

Devon : What? Hey-

I grabbed him and pulled him down with me.

Jake : That's what.

Devon : Bitch.

Jake : Bitch.

Devon : Holy Shit!

Jake : Wh-

Devon : WE'RE SO LATE.

Jake : Well shit.

We got up and raced to E6. FIRST LESSON AND HE'S GONNA HATE US!

Jake : Sorry we're late sir. We-

Jevon Enemies To Lovers - (Jake Wheeler x Devon Evans) // (BXB)Where stories live. Discover now