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I looked in the mirror to see how what I was wearing looked.

I had a black t-shirt with a skeleton hand on it and dark blue skinny jeans that made it look like I have an ass.

Devon come out the bathroom.

He looked at my outfit and realised something.

Devon : You didn't!

Jake : I did.

We were wearing matching hoodies. My hoodie was a right hand and his was a left.

Jake : Fun right?

Devon : I hate you so much..

Jake : Then why are you smiling~.

Jake : Admit it, you love them.

Devon : Ugh. What time is it?

Jake : 8:13.

Devon : Good. Come on, let's go.

Jake : Okay.

We found ourselves holding hands walking in.

I was expecting more attention but then I realised the majority of people were crowded around one spot.

Cory ran over to us.

Devon : What's going on?

Cory : Olivers memorial. People have been leaving stuff by his locker in respect.

Jake : He was one of Chucky's victims?!

Cory : Yeah. I overheard that detective woman saying that it's a weird case because there was no evidence of anyone else being where the victims were. The only reason they know it was a murder is because the bodies showed signs of a struggle.

Devon : That was probably my mom.

Jake : Aren't they gonna close the school down?!

Cory : They better. This school is a Mckenzien nightmare.

Devon : Who were the other three students?

Cory : David Kicker, Bethany Tuck and Bella Hops.

Devon : What do they all have in common?

Jake : They're all in our Bio class.

Cory : Fuck. Wanna take a guess which teacher was murdered?

Jake and Devon : Ms. Fairchild.

Cory : Fuck! Literally everyone I like is in that class! You guys and Nadine.

The obnoxious bell rung signalling everyone to go to class.

Jake : What class do we have?

Devon : Umm...

He opened his bag and took out a sheet of paper.

Jevon Enemies To Lovers - (Jake Wheeler x Devon Evans) // (BXB)Where stories live. Discover now