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Good morning me.

Denis : Hey, bitch face.

Cory : Ughhhh... did you have to wake me up?!

Denis : Yes.

Cory : Go back to bed.

Denis : You are so lucky that I like you.

Cory : Am I?!

Denis : Mhm. Now cmon. It's 5:45 and you still aren't dressed.

Cory : Neither are you!

Denis : It's not my fault you were hor-

Cory : How about we don't revisit the events of last night.

Denis : Very well.

I got up and ripped the blanket off of him.

Cory : Hey!

Denis : If someone knocks right now were are both naked so come on.

Cory : Ugh. You're so annoying!

Denis : Hey, I'd rather us both be naked all day but we have priorities so get up.

Cory : Fine.

He reluctantly got up and marched over to the closet.

Denis : So, I was thinking me and you could sneak out later and go do hardcore drugs. Percy will hook us up.

Cory : ...

Denis : Is that a yes?

I was met with silence yet again.

Denis : The silent treatmen-

Cory : No.

Denis : No? Oh.. okay.

Cory : I don't want us getting high off our faces 24/7. Can't we just be normal for once?!

Denis : What the fuck is that supposed to mean?!

Cory : Most of our time spent together is when we are on drugs. Sometimes I wonder it weren't for them would you even still be with me?!

Denis : Of course I would!

We were both done getting dressed.

He got closer to me as if he was challenging me?

Cory : Okay, don't get high at all tonight and try and see if you can last with just me and you.

Denis : You know what!-

Three rushed knocks befell the door.

Cory : Perfect timing.

He shoved past me and opened it.

Jake : We found something to do with... you know who.

Cory : What?! What did you find?!

Jevon Enemies To Lovers - (Jake Wheeler x Devon Evans) // (BXB)Where stories live. Discover now