The Last Day of School

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Finally! The last day of school! When is Nadine gonna get here? I'm gonna text her.

Cory : Hey, you here yet?

Nadine : Yah, we're in canteen getting breakfast.

Cory : Okay, who's with you?

Nadine : Jake, Devon and Lexy.

Cory : Oh. Okay, I'm on my way!

I guess I just wasn't invited.

I walked over and found them sitting at a table. Devon was the only one not eating.

I went over and sat down with them.

Cory : Well, hello misfits.

Lexy : Nice to formerly meet you.

She reached out for a handshake.

Cory : I'm sure it's a pleasure to formerly meet you too but uh, I don't do handshakes.

That was awkward as fuckkk.

Jake : Thefmknowmhbymphthemway.

Cory : Don't talk when your mouth is full.

Devon : They know about Chucky.

Lexy : Considering he fucking tried to kill me last night I can't believe I actually came into school today.

Hmm. She's dramatic in a funny way.

Cory : I thought you were like a cunt but I like you.

Cory : Nadine, you're oddly quiet this morning.

Nadine : I remembered that we have biology first.

Jake : What teacher are we gonna have?

Devon : Oh shit.

Nadine : Should we tell Junior?

Lexy : He doesn't have the imagination for it.

Devon : He'd never believe us.

Cory : Devon? Don't serial killers usually stalk their prey before killing them? Who's to say he's not watching us right now?

We all looked around and it seemed clear.

Devon : We have to stick together.

Jake : He usually attacks people that are alone or isolates them.

Lexy : Didn't he attack you two when you were together?

Jake : Yea but he got no where near us.

Nadine : What about if we don't have our next lessons together?

Devon : Find someone. Anyone just don't walk alone.

Jake : Luckily for me and Devon, we have all day right next to each other.

Jevon Enemies To Lovers - (Jake Wheeler x Devon Evans) // (BXB)Where stories live. Discover now