6: I Like Evanescence, What About You?

Start from the beginning

The table was silent.

“That was,” Sage said breaking the tension, “passionate.”

I took a sip of my drink calmly.

A high-pitched sound echoed through the restaurant.

“ARG!” I cried, clamping my hands over my ears. What was that God awful sound?

“Sorry about that!” a bright cheerful voice echoed through the room. Oh. A microphone. I knew that. “Now I'll like to tell you all that it's seven o' clock on a Friday night here at The Show. You know what that means?”

“Karaoke!” A bunch of people cheered. Every one joined in. Except me. Oh God.

“Do I have any volunteers?” the Miss Karaoke asked.

I heard shouts break out into the restaurant.

“How about you?” I heard a few groans break out.

Sage nudged me. “Ava, that's you!”

Can this night get any worst?

“Come on, I'll take you over.” Ryan whispered into my ear. I felt him get up. I followed hesitantly.

I heard Jacob chuckle. “Such a ladies man.”

I felt a warm hand slide into mine. It wasn't strong with long, graceful fingers like Kassper, but it was nice. Comforting. Ryan led me through a maze of tables and chairs accompanied by people. I heard murmurs follow through me to the stage.

“Is that girl blind?”

“Who was the dumbass to pick her?”

“She can't even walk to the stage without help? So how could she sing?”

“Poor dear-”

I stumbled up the stairs with Ryan. Then someone shoved a long thing in my hand. Probably the microphone.

“Here, like this,” I felt Ryan help me hold the microphone. I was nervous, scared really. I've never sung in front of anyone before.

“Now how about a song? Pick,” I heard the lady say right next to me. Ouch. The sound was harsher up here. I did feel a bit higher than everyone else. And warm. Really warm.

“Um. . . 'Bring Me to Life' by Evanescence?” I stuttered.

“Okay,” the lady said. The to the restaurant, “'Bring me to Life' by Evanescence.

I heard and felt the vibration of people clapping and murmering some more. Both Ryan and the lady left the stage. Oh God.

My knees were shaking. Sweat prickled my forehead.

The haunting melody started, making me even more nervous.

Then the murmurs drifted through my head

She can't even walk on the stage without help. . .

Poor dear. . .

She's blind!

The last one got to me. No one calls me blind without my permission!

“Oh, can you see into my eyes, like open doors?

Leading you down into my core, where I've become so numb.”

The song sped up a bit, more passionate.

Without a soul, my spirit's sleeping somewhere cold

The Blind Girl's Guardian Angel (temporarily on hold)Where stories live. Discover now