~Chapter 47

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*A month later*

I've been in the hospital for a month now. Dad, annabelle and Pammy never left my side. Becca visited once along side with Hailey, Josh and Cally. I couldn't talk for 3 weeks. The machines that are connected to me are now less unlike the first time. Chris and Tristan normally visit but they keep their distances. The Grey's family visits me once in a week.

I hold no grudge against anyone. Some shit just gat to happen. I'm glad Mr lucky is dead. And I heard him being shot even if I didn't see it happen. I also saw my step mother being shot dead too. I don't think Christian will be able to forgive himself for killing someone because of me. I've caused him more damage in life. I also feel bad for annabelle cos I know the pain of not having a mother. But then again, she doesn't look bothered maybe cos she didn't grow with a mother around.

"Darling, how do you feel?" Dad asked and I sit up carefully

"I'm okay dad" I smiled. I have forgiven him as well

"Someone is here to see you" Pammy informed me and Chris revealed himself.

"I'll leave you guys" Dad said and he takes Pammy along

"Hey" he said

"Hey" I replied.

"I'm glad you're okay now" he smiles weakly

"Thanks." I said.

"The doctors did a great job. Your scars are all gone" he smiled at me

Yeah. Dad was serious about that stuff...he just did it at once. Killing two birds with one stone ai? I look normal and pretty too. The scars are no longer visible.

"Yeah" I said and we both keep quiet for sometime

"I'm going to California." He finally speaks up and my chests bangs

"Cool. Thanks for saving me and I'm sorry you had to shed blood because of me."

"I'm sorry about everything."

''Its cool. I appreciate everything you did for me."

"It's a goodbye then." he smiled sadly

"Yeah. Goodbye chris" I said. I'm actually hurting

But we're not meant to be.

"I'll always love you" he said, pecking my head before leaving
I let the tears fall. The last tears. I don't think I'd fall in love again.

Immediately he leaves, annabelle, Pammy and dad walked in to comfort me.

I just wipe the tears immediately and smile to show them I'm ok

"We weren't meant for each other" I smiled weakly

"If it's real. You guys will meet again" Annabelle said with her tiny voice

"You wish" I laughed dryly.

"You look so beautiful" Pammy cries and I hugged her lightly.

"They'll be discharging you tomorrow" Dad said happily.

"And we're going home" Annabelle smiled at me.

Home! Finally. I have a home

"I can't believe you both didn't end up together. You guys looked cute together" Cally showed up and Pammy runs to hug him.

"Life is not always a fairytale" I smiled. We both tried and this is just reality for you.

The End

So I was thinking of adding a bonus chapter😏

And I'll do so😚

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©Dame Cherie❤️💚

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