~ Chapter 35

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"What happened to you sweetheart" Mrs Grey gasped immediately she sees Christian's cut lips


"Ana? What happened to him" she turns over to me

"I don't know. I didn't even notice until now" I said. Of course I noticed and he knows I did. We entered the same car so why won't I notice

"Excuse me, Mum" he ran upstairs.

"Hey bro" I heard another voice. Dave?

"Dave!" I yelled when I see him

"Ana!" He jumped on my body and I catch him from falling.

"When did you- Mum! You could have told me he's coming. I would have gotten him something" I cried out. With no tears attached.

"We can still go out to get something" Dave said and I smiled

"No Dave. Not today. I have somewhere to be" I said. My shift starts around 5 and it's 4:30

"Weekend then." He jumped out of my hand and runs upstairs to play, I guess.

"Careful!" I yelled. I turned to look at Mrs Grey who is looking at me with a sweet smile. "What?"

"You will make a good mother some day" she ruffled my hair

"Thanks" I said shyly. "I'll change and get going to work. I forgot to take an extra cloth to school" I said, heading upstairs

"Wait!" She said and I stopped. "Help me take this to Chris" she hands me an ice pack.

Please noooo

"Uhhh...okay" I take it and head straight to Chris room. "Hello? Mum said I should give you the ice pack" I dropoed the ice pack on the reading table and turn to leave

"You dropped it on the table. Since when did the table become me?" Chris said and I turned.


"Mum asked you to give it to me and you dropped it on the table." He walked up to me. "Can you stop doing this? I know you're hurting inside cos I'm hurt. The Ana I know would be scolding me by now for getting into a fight. The Ana I know will treat my cut lips. The Ana I know will...."

"That Ana is gone chris. That Ana is a fool. This one isn't. He has a bruised cheek...you have a cut lips. It's even" I turned to leave again

"What have I done?"

"See you later chris."

"Where you going? To spend time with him again huh? What do..." I bang the door, ran to change my clothes and dashed out of the house.

I gat no time for any nonsense talk. Few minutes later. I arrived at work and pray for a good day before I start.

"Are you okay?" Pammy asked me.

"Yeah" I bite my lips

"Spill the bean" she smirked

"Nothing to spill" I laughed

"Mr charming has broken up with you or what?"

"Who the fuck is Mr charming. His name is Tristan and we're not dating" I pointed out. I keep telling her this.

"Shut up you liar. Oh oh wait...is it that other blue eye guy?''

"Firstly, I'm not dating Tristan. Secondly, the name of the blue eye is Christian and he has a girlfriend" I said, sadly

Besides where did she even see the blue eyed guy. Oh the video I happened to show her.

"But you love him just that you can't be with him. Is that it?" She folded her arms.

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