~Chapter 42

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"You hot?" Tristan asked fanning me with his paper

"Damn! I could literally melt. The sun is too hot" I sit on the log of wood

"Still can't believe we're gonna be using tents" a girl cried out

"What if there are bears" her partners cries. Guys are scared of bears too

"You'll kick it out. That's why you're my partner stupid" she yelled

"Mummy!!!'' he cries out and I laughed

We're at...uhhh I don't know. I don't care. We were asked to make our tent. Everything gives mark, according to coach

"Will you help me out here?" Chris asked Taylor who is just admiring her nails

"No. Call someone else. I can't ruin my nails" she frowned and showed him her perfectly polished nails. He muttered something to himself. If I know him better then I'm sure it's something aggressive.

"Come help me hold this Ann" Tristan yells and I get up immediately. Everyone is staring at us now. I can feel it.

We struggled till we finally fixed our tent. Two to one tent

"Good work team stansia" coach said and we look at each other weirdly.

"Stansia?" We look at each other and laughed

"That'd be a good couple name babe" Tristan said mockingly and I laughed hard. Chris stormed off and Taylor just sits there restlessly. Coach leaves and everyone gets back to their first task. Building a tent

"Let's take a stroll" Tristan stretches out his hands

"Fine" I placed my hands on his and we walk towards the water side. We don't say anything. We just swing our hands

"When we get back. I'll be gone for few days. Not immediately tho" Tristan informs me

"Your boss called?"

"Uhh yeah. I need to uhm..do something for him" he scratches the back of his neck

"Oh. What's it about?" I raised my eyebrow at him

"Hey look at that" he pointed out and I turned and then I hear fading footsteps

"You can't catch me" he yelled and runs out of my sight

"I'll get you for this" I laughed and ran after him. I get stopped by a hand that pulls me back. I know that touch

"Why you doing this? Why him? Why do you choose to punish me this way" Chris said at my back. I make sure I don't turn to face him.

"I'll love to go look for my partner so I don't loose my mark by hanging out with someone else's partner" I tried to move but he doesn't let go.

"We need to talk about this. we need to talk about everything. About us"

''The earlier you accept that there's no us and never will there be an us, the better for you" I said with anger laced in my voice

"What caused this much hatred for me. What did he tell you!"

"You're the bad one here so stop acting good Christian. And I don't hate you. I'm just trying not to cross the boundaries" I removed his hands from mine and run to find Tristan. I see him cleaning his shoe and I go there to help

"See who falls into a trap" I laughed. "Even nature is against you" i smirk

"Get out" he slaps my hands off his shoulder. Playfully, if I may add. "I didn't even know there was a mud there" he defends himself

"You mess with me again. You get something worse" I wet a towel and start helping him to clean the shoe but he stops me and we keep staring at each others eyes. His eyes goes soft and then they get darker again

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