~Chapter 10

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"Thanks so much Ana" Mrs Grey said while helping me clean the plate after I washed and rinsed them.

"I didn't do anything. I just helped"

"And I'm grateful" she smiles. "Your mum will be proud of you wherever she is"

"She's gone" I smile weirdly

"Like....dead?" Mrs Grey gasps

"Yeah...that is how I got the scar. I wasn't born with it. The fire accident that happened at the mall once, killed her and burnt my skin and my nannys."

"Sorry about that. Oh! That Chinese cuisine that year. So sorry love. And your dad?"

I don't say anything

"Uhh..." I finally said, trying to figure out what to say.

"Don't bother honey. Sorry if I ask a lot of questions"

"No. It's fine"

It's fine. It's good to know who you're leaving with but I ain't just in the mood to talk about my life. Eventually, I will do so. It's just a matter of time

"I'll take over from here. Go and get some rest sweetheart" Mrs Grey smiled at me and I hug her and leave.

* ~ * ~ *

I change into a tank top and a blue short. The weather is hot and I'm tired of wearing long sleeve so that's why I changed into a tank top instead. My jacket is laying on the bed in case someone comes in

"What a nice family" I smile to myself and sit on my bed. "It's so comfy" I squeal.

"Can I come in?'' Chris opens the door immediately.


"Uhh..." I try to cover the scar on my left hand with my right palm which is impossible because it's big

"Hey" he said casually and walked up to me with a light smile on his lips

"I'll cover it" I bend to pick the jacket up but he stopped me.

"I like it" he touches it gently and i shut my eyes tight

"I was just feeling sweaty that's why...." I tried explaining but was cut short

"No need for your explanation. I like it. Don't ever cover it when you're around me"

"But why?" I sit on the bed

"Don't know" he lays on the bed

"Why you trying to be my friend" i asked

"I like you" he holds my waist and I flinch

"I - I - You - You -"

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Didn't mean to scare you though. Thought it'll calm you calm you down. Shit! I'm sorry okay? I like you as a friend"

"Sorry....just that I've been through a lot. So...."

"Shhh!" He places his index finger on my lips and I look at his eyes.

OMG! I didn't notice he has beautiful blue eyes and baby pink lips and full eyebrow. So cute!

"Ana?" He chuckles

"You have blue eyes" I raise his eye lid and he laughs

"It's cute" I compliment

"Just the way your scars are" he winked and kissed my forehead.

There's this feeling I get when he touches me. Like, he has an effect on me but I don't know what it means. I can't ask his mum... it'll look weird

"Goodnight pumpkin" he winks and leaves

Life Is Not Always A FairytaleNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ