~Chapter 13

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"Hurry Up" Chris yelled

"I'm nervous" I rub my arms lightly. He walks up to me and hugs me

"Look at me" I raised my face up to meet his gaze. "You're beautiful with your scars. Ignore all the insults today they'll get use to it some day okay? I gat your back pumpkin" he pecked my forehead and I feel relieved

How did his words calm me down or was it the peck? When you talk about weird. This is so weird

"T- thanks" I smiled

"Get into the car" he smiled back at me

"Sure" I head to the black mustang car and shut the door after entering. Chris entered, inserted the key into the ignition, the engine roared to life and he sped off

Few minutes later, he parked his car at the school parking lot and I stared at the beautiful, huge building in front of me

"Will you get down?" He chuckled

"Nope" I shook my head and held the seat belt tight

"Oh my!" He palms his face

"Let's go home so that I can cover up"

"You look perfect" he laughed

"No" I come out of the car and look at my dress

A jean trouser and sleeveless hand top. Too exposive. My scar is showing. Arrrghh!

"Close your eyes then, and follow me"

"I'll trip and fall" I rolled my eyes

"Okay. Don't look at anyone except me. Is that okay?" He takes my hand into his

"I'll try" I hold his hands tight.

We walk into the school and everybody's eyes are on me

"Ew! She's ugly"

"Why is she with Chris. Taylor will be mad!"

Wait. Taylor attends this school. Great!

"She deserves to die"

"Why will our school accept her"

Chris holds my hands tight and leads me to the principal's office to get my timetable

"Don't listen to any of those gossips" he whispered before opening the principal's door

"It hurts" I whispered to him before following him into the office

"Good day. Uh! You're....''

"Anastasia Kyle" I say and she smiles

"A beautiful name for a beautiful Lady. I once had those kind of scar" she smiled at me.

"Uh... how did you..."

"Story for another day sweetheart. We'll talk about it some day okay? Get to class please" she gives me my timetable and Chris dragged me out

"There is my cousin" he pulled me to a girl with a brunette hair

"What! She attends our school now?" Taylor yelled. I'm sure you all remember Taylor

"Who is this thing?" Chris cousin asked


"Hailey! Be nice" Chris frowned

"Fine! Hi...I'm Hailey Grey" she frowned. AKA the black sheep in the Grey's family

"I'm Anastasia" I stretched my hand out but she looks at me weirdly

"I dont shake" she frowned

"How about hug?" I smiled

Mind 1: Are you blind? She doesn't like you

Mind 2: it's still good to be polite

Not now! minds

"I don't hug, bitch!" She snaps

"Hailey!" Chris snaps at her

"Chris let's go" Taylor dragged chris by his hand

"Meet you later, Ana" Chris says before leaving my hand

"Where do you come from?" She folds her arm and looks at me


"Save your fucking explanation. I hate you! But I'm gonna be nice because of Christian. You are no match for him. He deserves Taylor and you are a low life" she pushes me and passed.

This is gonna be a tough year.

I find my way to English class because that's what I have first. I enter the class and people start gossiping again

"Don't sit near me!" A girl yelled and I movee to another seat at the back. I rest my head on the desk

Mind 1: you should go back home. RUN!

Mind 2: are you mad? Her life just started


Mind 1: then enjoy! Because, you gon suffer a lot. Seems like you enjoy pain

Mind 2: you're never encouraging

Mind 1: suit yourself

English teacher entered and introduced herself as Mrs Beyonce. She gave us a quick test. It's not hard though. I'll like to make Christian's parents proud so I'll make sure I get good grades. I use 30 mins to answer the questions and then I submitted and left the class.

This continued for the next 5 hours then I waited for Chris to finish with his team and we went home. I received a lot of insult today, I was poured water by one girl and I was hit by a ball and the owner of the ball didn't bother to say sorry instead he said I deserved it. I'm happy I'm going back to my comfort zone. Home!

Haq! Sorry about this chapter though. So we've met Hailey

Body is shamming is baddd!!!
Do not ever engage in such.

©Dame Cherie ❤️🔥

Life Is Not Always A FairytaleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang