~Chapter 38

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                 Chris POV

           *Few Weeks Ago*

"Ana? Ana!'' I yelled

"Chris?" Mum called out

"Hey mum. Good morning" I kissed her cheek. "Have you seen Ana?"

I've been wanting to talk to her but Taylor needed me so I went over to her house

"How is Taylor's health?" Mum asked dry-cleaning her hands with towel. I kinda lied that Taylor is sick meanwhile all she wanted was me by her side cos she was moody

"It's okay now mum. Please where is Ana? We need to talk"

"Ana?" Dad strolled into the living room and mum kept a sad face

"Yes Ana. What happened? Is she okay?" I will never forgive myself if something bad happens to her. I promised to protect her

"Didn't she tell you? Ana..."

"Chris son, Ana uhhh" mum cuts in

"I want the truth please" my heart is beating

"Ana left" mum closed her eyes

"When?" I asked. it's so hard to believe

"Yesterday" mum replied

"Why didn't anyone stop her! Why didn't you call me! Where is Ana! Why did she leave?"

"Son you have to calm down" Dad said touching my shoulder

"Let go me dad. With due respect, you both didn't try. How could you let her go. She has nowhere to stay"

"Is that what you think? Well, she has an apartment. So she said. And she works"

So what Taylor told me about Ana working in a boutique is true

"How? Where does she stay"

"I'm sorry son. She didn't tell us" dad said. And I think that's because she knows that they'll tell me.

"How come she didn't tell me?" I sat down on the couch. This is too much

"How am I suppose to know Christian. When all you both do is keep malice. I guess you've hurt her indirectly so this is your battle son. It's your fault. Because she can't just wake up one morning and say she wants to be independent" mum yelled and walked out on me

"I'm off to work. Take care" Dad leaves

"Noooooooooo!!!!" I smashed the flower vase.

I'll definitely replace that later

"I should have been here" I punched the wall

"I shouldn't have said those awful things to her that day" I continued punching the wall hard

"No! It's not my fault. It's Tristans fault. He might have turned her against me. That bastard! I hate him. Now he has my girl. Argghhh!" I don't stop punching the wall until my fist starts bleeding

I sit on the floor and clean the tears that roll down.

Two can play the game. She wants to be independent. So be it. She was useless anyway. I never loved her I just wanted to benefit from her. Like friends with benefits. I can never go for a low class. I'm fine with taylor.



"Babe? Babe!" Taylor snapped her fingers at my face

"Yeah? Sorry I zoned out" I said, noticing the piled clothes on the bed.

I just can't think straight. Tristan and Ana are partners for the trip? I really want to be her partner. Just so I can know her reasons for leaving. I can't even look at her in the eyes or stay in the same place she is nor talk to her. I just don't get it. I don't hate her but I keep avoiding her

"I don't know what to pack for the trip" she cries

Meanwhile there are hundreds of clothes here. Girls will always be girls

"Then what do we do?" I'm so not in the mood

"Go shopping" she smiled. "And oops I heard Ana is sick" Who the fuck gives her information.

"Yeah. Not like I care" Honestly I don't even understand myself. I need someone to help me understand myself. I don't want to be close to her. I see her as a friend now but I don't want anybody close to her. Maybe not tristan or Cally or even Josh. I don't want anybody to be with her. I'm fucked

"How did you find out?"

"The same way you found out. News spread" I stand up. "Mum needs me to do the groceries" I lied. I open my phone, click on someones name and text the person

"Okay. I'll text you when I need a companion to the boutique" she pecked my lips

" Love you" my chest burns whenever I say these words to her. I still don't understand why.

I run out of the house and drive off to Josh's house. I pack my car and head towards the door

"Yo bro!" We do the bro hug thing

"Hey man" I entered and throw myself on the couch

"Whatsup. You texted about you coming over and it's weird cos you don't come over. We either meet somewhere" Josh sits on the couch observing me

"Bro I'm fucked. I don't know if I love this girl. I thought she was a friend with benefit. I thought that was our title. Like I kissed her, not once not twice...it felt like heaven. But then again, I'll be honest with you, out of anger I said horrible shits to her. But that shouldn't make her run away right? I brought her down here so she owes me something and I want to be able to control her cos she owes me, not because I want her all to myself. I don't know if you get me bro. I can't say I love her cos I'm in love with Taylor. But I don't get the same feelings I had with her when I'm around Taylor. Don't even know how love feels again. I don't know what to believe. I don't know who to love. I don't understand myself. Am I for Ana or for taylor. Ana doesn't have family. I can't stoop low. I don't love....."

"Just shut it" Josh yells. "You're whipped and fucked!" He shakes his head. "You need to figure shits out before it becomes worse''

"I don't want to see her with Tristan. He's my rival and she's my property. It doesn't make sense at all"

"But you want to see her with other guys?" Josh smirked


"You want her with you?"

"I don't know man. Yo got alcohol?"

"I'm not giving you any. I don't have strength to baby-sit you or to listen to you talk nonsense all day" Josh frowned. ''This trip will help you figure it out. Becca and I didn't see our name on the list. So we're chilling all day" he licked his lips

"You've taken her V-card right?"

"That's none of your business. Go fuck Ana" he laughed

"Stop it. I don't want to hear her name" I shut my eyes

"I miss her though"

I really want to say me too but what comes out is....

"I don't and I don't care about her well-being"

What is wrong with me? This isn't me at all. Own her because I helped her? That's evil.

Is he treating this matter fairly?
Like dude! It's your fault.

Well, what do I know
I'm just an author😚

Mind 1: oh shutup...you're the author so you should know a lot

Yeah right😂

Your vote counts hunnies❤️💚
©Dame Cherie ❤️

Life Is Not Always A FairytaleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora