~Chapter 9

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"Hey princess" Someone said.

"Lucky, I thought...."


"Uhh.." I spin around fast. "Hey Chris" I said, casually

"An asshole" I replied to his question

"Ready to hit the road?" He smiled at me

"Yep" I smiled back and helped him pack my things. "Thanks house for accommodating me" I mutter to myself.

"Did you find the phone?" He asked, scratching the back of his neck before starting the engine

"That was what I used to pick your call, silly" i laughed

First time I'm laughing sincerely after 4 years. Wow.

"Oh right. Sorry.... My bad" he chuckled and I laughed again

The city is looking beautiful. The place I stay is kinda 'a rural area'. I miss being in the city. I don't even know what took me to that rural area anyway. I would have just found a place to stay in the City. Well, I was just a kid. Will u blame me? I was not in my right senses. I wasn't ready to be independent.

"Don't you get tired of wearing long hand clothes?" He smirked

"Nope" I simply said.

" You're ashamed of your scar?" He stopped the car from moving when the traffic light switched to red. It's been long I saw traffic lights.

"Kinda" I pick on my nail

"At my house, I won't let you wear them again" he stated

Is he being serious right now? Wait....his house?

"Your house? How about your parents?" What have I gotten myself into.

"You'll meet my parents today. Although, they'll be travelling tomorrow" he drives off when the yellow light switches to green

"They won't be mad?"

"Nah. I discussed with them." He smiled at me reassuringly

"I can't expose my scar" I sighed

"You have to try, princess"

"Can you stop calling me that? I have bad memories behind the name" i explained

"Uhh...I'll think of a name, Angel. Aha! That's it! Angel" he laughed

"You're childish" i chuckled

"I'm so good at coming up with sweet nicknames right?"

"Yeah right" I said sarcastically.
It's good to have someone to talk to. For once!

''We're here!" He yells and I glance at the mansion before coming down. It reminds me of my... Mr Kyle's house rather. It's no longer my home

"Come on" Christian holds my hands and pulled me into the mansion.

Yeah right! The puller guy.


"Mum, dad meet Ana" Christian said after calling his mum and dad downstairs.

"Good day ma'am and good day sir" I pick my nails at my back. I've met judgemental adults. I don't even know what to expect

I pick my nails whenever I'm nervous. They give me some kind of look before putting on smiley faces

"Good day Hun" His mum pulled me into a hug

"Good day kiddo" His dad ruffles my hair and a drop of tears escapes and falls down my eye

"Sorry" I wipe my tears.

"She didn't grow up with her family" Christian explained and his parents looked at me sympathetically.

I sure didn't tell him that.

"Count us as your parents then. If you wish." his dad says

Who welcomes a stranger whole heartedly. Where are these people from again? I'm giving them one month.

"I'm Anastasia Kyle" I smile

"I'm Mrs Kelly Grey"

"I'm Mr Elliot Grey"

"Nice to meet you both'' I said, politely

"That's a nice scar if you ask me." Mr Grey said in admiration

Are these people crazy?

"People hate me cos of it" I stated.

"It's what makes you unique Hun. You escaped what ever that gave you that. You're brave." Mrs Grey pecks my hair

I hate to admit it but she's right

"Thanks ma" I cry.

"It's okay darling." she wiped my tears.

"I hate getting emotional. I'll show her, her room" Christian held my hands and pulled me upstairs

This is a very huge house. He led me to the passage and then to the room. My room is the last door by the left. He opens the door and I enter inside.

"You like it?" He smiled at me

"It's lovely" I smiled back

It really is.

"I decorated it" he smiled widely. Don't he gets tired of smiling?

It's pinkish though. Pink and white bed cover, pink curtain, pink and white wall, black and pink dresser, pink table stand, pink rug and pink couch

I can't thank them enough. This is too much although I'm not a fan of pink but I'm so grateful.

"I love it" I hug Christian and he tightens his arms around me. I feel that tingly feeling again. What's that suppose to mean? Am I hungry? I release myself from the hug and pick on my nails

"My room is next to yours pumpkin. Yess! Another nickname" he squeals and I laugh

"Thanks for everything" I smiled widely

"No problem pumpkin" he winks

"Ana!" I heard a familiar voice

" Dave this way" Christian yells

Dave? Wait...the Dave I met that day?

''i knew it was you" Dave ran to hug me. "The description fits"

"Wait...you know her? But she doesn't....no, you don't go out or do you sneak out?" Chris asked with a confused expression

I peck Dave before dropping him down. Jeez this guy is weighty

"I missed you buddy" I dragged his cheek

"Hello? I need an explanation"

''She took me to the police station when I got missing" Dave smiled at Chris

"Really? She?"

"Yes bro" I just smiled and watch them

This is what family feels like?

"Brunch is ready!" Mrs Grey yelled

"Coming!" Dave runs downstairs pulling chris and he gives me a 'we are waiting for you' look and I changed into a gown with long hand and then joined them at the dinning table.

Ta Da!!!
Believe me, I was also tired of the rural area. Welcome to the city🛀

Anything to say...feel free
Do you find it strange accepting a stranger into your house? Of course who wouldn't.
But then again..don't you feel her mum is doing some works for her. Okay back to reality...

What's your favourite color?
I, myself do not like pink though...I love Red.

Your vote and comments counts

©Dame Cherie 🔥❤️

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