~Chapter 22

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"Good morning Ana" Mrs Grey greets me when she sees me walking downstairs

"You're home early. I thought you'll arrive at noon" I hugged her

"I miss home alot" she smiled. "And you" she touches my cheek

"Where is dad?" The dad was hard to say though.

"In his study room." She says

"I'll go say ...."

"I'm here hunnie" he ruffled my hair

"Morning dad"

" I missed you kiddo" he hugged me.

"Did Chris take care of you?" Mrs Grey asked and I nod.

"Chris! You'll be late for school" Mr Grey yelled and I check my beeping phone.

From Cally: I'm here

From me: hold on I'm coming

"I'm here" Chris hugged his parents and we stare at each other and then we look elsewhere

"Bye mum. Bye dad" I smiled and rushed out

"Where are you rushing.....Woah! What are you doing here?" Chris asked Cally

"Came for her" Cally smirked

"I'm here to take her to school" Chris frowned

"I called him. I don't want to stress you again" I said


"Let's go Cally'' I walked towards Cally's car and wait for him to open it. I get in, looked at shocked Chris once more and Cally drives off. Cally doesn't ask me anything and I am thankful for that cos I am not ready to talk.

We head to the field. We have P.E this morning. What a way to start a day.

"Am not going to play football today" Cally said sitting on the bleacher

"And I don't have strength. I'll come up with an excuse" I seat on the bleacher.

''Lets just wait for...."

"What are you two doing there!" Coach yelled.

"....Coach to come" Cally whispers the remaining part of his sentence to me and I stifle my laugh.

"We don't feel good" I said and he just frowns and leaves

"That's unlike coach. He doesn't care if you're sick all he knows is that you must practice." Cally smirked

"Today is my lucky day then" I smiled

"Are you into any sport or cheerleading"

"Nah! Don't even know how it works. I've never played any sport. I was so hated in junior year. Didn't have a good life while growing." I throw my leg back and forth

"Oh sorry! I have 3 dramatic sisters. The eldest one, which is 15 years loves singing but doesn't have the voice. Her voice is horrible" He keeps a disgusted as if remembering her sing and I laughed

"The immediate one is 10 years she loves cheerleading but she's chubby and she can't even split" he shakes his head and I laugh hard.

"The last born is 6 years. She's a foodie. My mum bought ice cream for everyone once. We actually saw her licking a very big bowl of ice cream but we thought she'll lick some and keep it. But nah, this babe finished all and slept off. So later, my mum was looking for theli ice cream....guess where she found it? In front of my lil sis... like, the bowl was empty! Nothing was left. She even slept with the spoon in her hand. I never expected her to finish it" he laughed and I laughed as well

"What an awesome family." I smiled. I see Chris for the fifth time looking at us with a frown.

"What are you good at?"

"Don't know" I shrugged

" What do you find yourself doing when bored or sad"

"Singing" I smiled

But I don't know if I'm good at it though

"Because of my sister's voice, I don't think I'll like to hear anyone sing" he chuckled and I giggled

"I understand"

"But you owe me"


"Yeah. So, you'll sing for me one day" He wiggles his eyebrow at me

"I'll try"

"Deal?" He smirks

"Deal" I deadpan and he laughed.

"Hey lovebirds" Josh runs up to us. "You ditched football cos of her huh?"

" She needed company"

"Yeah right" Josh smirked

"Let's talk Ana" Chris frowned.

"We'll talk at home" I keep a serious face. No smile. No shinning of teeth. Just a straight face

"I'm taking you home" he keeps a serious face too

"Nope. I'll go with the person I came with" I intertwine my hands with Cally's hand and drag him along with me.

"Take heart man" Josh pats Chris and laughed

''You shouldn't have turned him down"

"He made me angry yesterday" i frowned.

"Oh! Sorry"

"No it's fine. I'm glad you're here" He stops me from walking and hugged me tight. I see Chris pass. He's so mad. Josh winks at me and I smiled.

What's making him angry? I'm the one that's suppose to be angry. Anyway, I'm not angry anymore but I don't want to be close to him anymore. I'll check on Becca today. By calling her because I don't know her house.

Why do they have relationship drama when they ain't even In a relationship yet 🤦

Your vote counts hunnie❤️
©Dame Cherie ❤️

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