~Chapter 3

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This chapter may trigger some people. The choice is yours to make.
Forgive me, if it brings bad memory as well. This story is purely fiction like i have always said.
You can continue.


"A school will be coming over for an excursion here" I heard a girl say.

"Why the woods?" The other girl asked

"I have no idea" The other girl replied.

School? I just hope they don't reach my side of the wood or else they're gonna run after seeing a human being monster.

"Hey! Leave my pharmacy if you are not buying anything 'ugly thing' " He yelled

"Sorry. I need any pain relieve at all"


And poison, Sir

"Yes" I said

"You should drink poison some day"  He frowned and goes inside to get the pain relieve drug. Its just like he read my mind right?

"How much?" I asked when I see him coming

"Just go! I don't want bad luck in my business today"
He frowned and threw the medicine on me

Saved my money bro...you don't know.

" Thanks" I said and head back home.

You are wondering why I'm going home instead of going to work. Well, I am not on duty today and granny locked the bookshop. So, I'm all at home today. I reached my door and find Mr horny sorry I mean Mr lucky there.

I bet you'd find out why I call him Mr horny soon.

"What do you want?" I frowned

"I came to see how my princess is" he smiled at me.

Oh thank you sweet daddy.

Lies! I hate his guts. He was my former boss before something happened.

"Just go away. I no longer work for you again."

I mean, you're old man!

"I came with an offer" he pulled me close by my waist.

"Thank you, I'll pass. I don't need your offer" I struggled to get out of his grip but I failed miserably because he is very strong.

I should take gym classes. Who am I kidding? Do I even have money? Maybe I should just cut a tree down and gym it. Works right?

"Calm down princess. I'm tryna help you even when you're ugly. So maintain before I spank your ass" he frowned at me

The Audacity

Mr lucky is a very heartless man. He always makes sure he gets what he wants and then threatens you to keep shut.

"What's your offer?" I closed my eyes while he played with my blonde hair

"I will train you in school if you let me play my lovely games with you" he smiled evilly

Right. I'm a toy.

Not again!

"I don't want to go to school" I lie

Of course I do but I don't need his help. He's dangerous.

"Really?" He pulled me by my hair and throws me on the ground

"I'm tired of you hara..."

"Shut up!" He pulled me up and starts kissing me with force.

Harassing me... I was gonna say.

"Stop please" I cried and struggled one more

"I can't. I won't. I must get what I want" He raised my skirt up and starts trailing his hands up my thigh.

Fucking bastard!

"No!'' I push him with all my strength and run out of the house
I won't go through that again.

I need to heal and not get damaged again. Never.

Yayyy... Another chapter done and dusted.

We just met Mr lucky..the molester. Taking advantage of her poor condition. Sadly, people like him are out there in the world.

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©Dame Cherie ❤️🔥

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