~Chapter 43

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Two Weeks Later

Everything has been going roughly. I feel like I'll soon be in danger. Tristan isn't around anymore. I don't even find peace in my working place cos my dad is always coming to visit, with gifts which I gladly dispose. You can't buy me back through gifts. I'm not that cheap and stupid. I've also been getting prank calls lately. I pick the call and the person doesn't say anything and then I end the call. So weird.

Chris followed me down to my apartment and has been bugging me since. Taylor, and her minions are something else. They've been threatening to deal with me very soon and telling me stuff on how I'll break into two. Hailey has been keeping her distance from them lately, which is weird... But she's still rude.

I visited the Greys last week and they were so glad to see me. I took Dave to the park and we played and talked a lot. I love that little guy. Pammy has still been a good and trustworthy friend unlike Becca. I don't understand Becca anymore. This minute, I see her here...the next minute she's not here. Like she's avoiding me or something. I'm her best friend, if something is bothering her she is suppose to tell me right?

There's no school today so I'm home alone till Pammy gets here. She said she's coming over with Cally, her boyfriend. Yeah, you heard me right bitches. She finally got together with Cally. So sweeeettt. I haven't even taken my bath...damn! I feel so lazy. Well, I need to, so I rush into the bathroom to take a quick shower and get dressed. I did grocery shopping last week so I have food at home. I go to sit in the parlour fiddling with my phone scrolling through my Facebook for funny memes and videos.

*Knock knock*

"I didn't think you people will come this ...." I stopped, when I see the devil

"Sorry sir. This is a wrong apartment" I tried to shut the door but his daughter shows up

"Hey I'm Anabelle" she waved and smile. She looks so much like her mother. I hope she's not as evil as she is

"What do you want" I asked Mr Kyle. I know it's rude to not say hi to Anabelle. She's so beautiful and perfect...no spot, no scar

"Please my dear. Let me talk to you for some minutes. Let me make things up" he said, with a sad expression on his face

"Pleasseeeee" Anabelle pouts

"5 minutes then" I fold my hands and step out of my apartment. It's not good to let strangers into your home.

"I'll leave you guys then" Anabelle hugs me lightly. So weird. Then, she nods at her dad and runs downstairs with her small legs

"Her mum left. She had another man she was just there for my money and to destroy my home. She left Anabelle for me at the age of 2" he starts

At least her mother is alive. And she wasn't left on the street

"I'll go inside then" I turned to leave

"Please" he said and I stopped. ''what can I do to get you to forgive me" he pleads

"You've endangered my life Mr Kyle. You fucking left me on the street at the age of 12. You see this scars on my body? It's your fault! You refused to treat them andddd you added more to it cos you were a drunkard and bad and..."

"Cos I was still battling with the pain of loosing ur mother. I was foolish then and immature. I'm sorry"

"I was molested a lot. So keep the sorry to yourself! It's not easy to forgive you. You're dead to me. I lost my parents at a tender age. I have no home. I'm an orphan." I look straight into his eyes. I feel for him though but I've been through a lot. You can't throw me out and bring me in. It'll take time.

"You...you...were molested?? I'll kill that bastard!" He cried and hits the wall. It hurts to see him hurt himself. He hurt me when I was little but deep down I need that fatherly love and I kinda love him a bit. He keeps hitting the wall and I want to tell him to stop but I don't

"I'll go inside then" I turned to go again

"Wait" he tries to touch me but he fights the urge to. "At least let me treat the scars. I'll take you to the best hospital, Stesia. It'll go off my darling. You'll look good my love" he said

"No. I am not your love and don't call me Stesia. I love the scars given to me by you. You remember how you lashed me with belts and threw bottles at me? The scars makes me hate you" I said, through gritted teeth

"Let me fix all these please" he cried more and it breaks me. I just run inside and lock my door. I sit on the floor and hug my legs. I sob silently

Does he deserve my forgiveness? Do I want to call him dad again? Do I want him in my life? Will mum rest well if I forgive him? Will mum be happy if I go back to the man that abandoned me??

I get cut off from my thinking by a call. I pick up my phone and lo and behold it's an unknown number. It's too early for a prank call please. I wait for the call to end hoping that the person doesn't call back. I wait and prayer answered, the person doesn't call back.

"Open this door bitch!" Pammy yelled.

"Keep it low babe. You're so violent" Cally said and I smile at their cuteness. I welcomed them with sweet embrace

"What happened to your eyes. They are big and red" Pammy examined me properly

"Who's the guy! Come out and show yourself. Where is yoursex partner Ana" Cally asks

"You're so stupid" I laughed and sit on the couch. These guys are family.

"I made her smile. In your face!" Cally said to Pammy

"I'll cut your dick off. If you throw shits on my face" Pammy frowned playfully.

"She's so violent" he huffs and I laughed

"We are actually leaving. You know we promised to see you so we didn't want to ruin it. A promise is a promise."

"Leaving?" I pouted

"Sorry Hun. My mum called and asked me to bring my girlfriend home" Cally pecked Pammy and she cleans it. I love this two

"That explains the heavy dressing" I laughed and Pammy gives me a death glare

"Cally go downstairs. She'll meet you" I instruct and he looked at me weirdly before going

"Nervous?" I smirked

"Who wouldn't be" she said shyly

"It'll be great. You're such a sweet human being. Just be nicer and please drop your rude attitude here bitch" I imitate her voice.

"I don't sound that way" she laughed harder

"Suit yourself" I rolled my eyes

"Hug me you imp" she pulled me up

"I love you devil" I hugged her tight

"What's the difference between devil and imp" she smirked

''Just get out" I pushed her out of the apartment

I sit down and my phone rings again. The same number.

I pick the call and wait for the person to talk

"Hello princess? Missed me?" A familiar voice said

"Who is this?" I try to be confident.

"It's so sad you forgot about me. I'll get you soon anyways and you'll be shocked to know who will bring you" he laughed evilly

Mr lucky!

Damn..I feel sick already.

Can this day get any worse?

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